First date/first kiss

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Tonight Optimus was taking you out on your first date and you couldn't wait.

You had drove to the nearest town to buy the perfect dress since Optimus was taking you to a restaurant in Reno, Nevada.

You were thankful that your parents were out for the evening so that you could get ready.

When you were done you went outside and went through the groundbridge.

When you got to the Autobot base you saw Optimus's holoform wearing a blue and red suit.

"Wow, you look good tonight." You said as you looked at Optimus.

"And you look very beautiful." Optimus said.

You and Optimus's holoform got into his alt mode before Ratchet opened a groundbridge to just outside the city limits of Reno and Optimus drove through.

When Optimus got to the restaurant his holoform helped you out of his alt mode and you both went into the restaurant.

Optimus told the person at the front desk that he had made a reservation and you both were shown to a table and givin menus.

"Wow, it's really nice here." You said as you looked around the restaurant.

"Yes, it is." Optimus said.

You and Optimus both agreed to get two plates of spaghetti.

"May I take your orders?" A waitress said.

"Yes, can we get two spaghettis?" Optimus asked the waitress.

"Coming right up." The waitress said as she took the menus and went to the kitchen.

Soon the waitress came back and gave you and Optimus your spaghetti.

"Mmm, this is really good." You said after you took your first bite of your spaghetti.

"Agreed." Optimus said after he took a big bite of his spaghetti.

You and Optimus talked about different things as you ate dinner and dessert and you felt yourself fall more in love with him.

Optimus paid for the meal and left a tip for the waitress with a credit card Agent Fowler had lent him.

After you both left the restaurant Optimus drove around Reno for a while before he found a park and he parked in the parking lot and helped you out again.

By now the moon was high in the sky and you and Optimus were walking by the pond.

You could feel tension between you and Optimus but you didn't say anything.

Suddenly Optimus stopped walking and he stood in front of you and put his hands on your hips, making you blush.

"Y/n...I have been wanting to try something with you for quite some time." Optimus said.

"What do you want to try Optimus?" You asked Optimus.

"Y/n...may I kiss you?" Optimus asked you quietly.

"Yes Optimus, you may." You whispered.

You cupped Optimus's face as he gently pressed his surprising soft lips to yours.

You moaned slightly as Optimus kissed you passionately.

Unfortunately you had to pull away from the kiss so you could breathe.

"Wow." Was all you whispered.

Optimus kissed you again before you both continued your walk.

After a while longer you and Optimus went back to the Autobot base so that you could take a groundbridge home.

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