You take him shopping

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Today Optimus was spending the day with you since your parents were at work and your sister was with her boyfriend.

Optimus agreed to take you out shopping since he wanted to learn more about humans.

You grabbed your shopping list when Optimus arrived and you got in his passenger's seat.

Optimus activated his holoform when he got closer to town so that no one would suspect anything suspicious.

Once Optimus got to the store the both of you got out of his alt mode and walked in.

You grabbed a cart and Optimus walked beside you.

"There are many strange objects here." Optimus said as you both passed the hair products.

Pretty soon you and Optimus arrived at the fruit aisle.

"Okay, so I need a water melon, some apples and a bag of grapes." You said.

"Are these the apples?" Optimus asked you as he held up an orange.

"No, those are oranges, these are apples." You said as you showed Optimus the apples.

You then got the grapes while Optimus helped you pick up a water melon and put it in the cart.

The next thing you had to get was cereal and you let Optimus pick that out since you liked different kinds of cereal.

After the cereal however you needed to get pads/tampons since you were running out.

"What aisle are we in now?" Optimus asked you.

"We're in the feminine products aisle." You replied with a blush.

"What are these for?" Optimus asked you as he held up a package of pads.

"I'll explain what those are used for another day." You said.

"And what are these?" Optimus asked as he held up a box of tampons.

"I'll explain what those are too but on another day." You said.

Optimus was confused but he knew that you would tell him what the strange objects were when you were ready.

You soon found what you needed and then you and Optimus went to the check out aisle and you paid for the items you were buying.

After you and Optimus got your groceries home he helped you put the food away.

"Thank you for driving me to the store and helping me with my shopping." You said.

"It was no problem, I enjoy our time together." Optimus said as he smiled at you.

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