First date (Zane)

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Both Orion and Zane were now seventeen and today Zane was going on his first date with Windblade.

Zane had been flirting with Windblade ever since he was fourteen and he had just recently gotten the courage to ask her out.

Naturally he was going for a flight with Windblade, even though she was the one who would be doing the flying.

Just then you heard the doorbell ring.

"I'll get it!" Zane said as he ran towards the front door.

When Zane opened the door he saw Windblade's holoform waiting for him.

"Ready to go?" Windblade asked Zane.

"I was born ready." Zane replied with a smirk.

"Good luck and behave you two." You told Zane and Windblade.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure he stays out of trouble." Windblade told you and Optimus.

~ Another time skip ~

Zane had just gotten home after Windblade dropped him off and he came inside.

"Well?" You asked Zane.

"It was awesome, she even flew above the clouds." Zane said.

"It's about time you asked Windblade out." Orion said.

"I had to get the timing right." Zane said.

"Riiiiigggghhhttt." Orion said.

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