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Derick's POV

"Why Lucy has not arrived yet? " I muttered in my mind wishing to see her.

These days we were getting closer and it made me so glad. I had the strong determination of getting her to me.

My phone buzzed madly. "Hello Lu—"

"Derick! Go. meet. sebastian. fast."

"But why? —"

"Neha is crying. "

She knew to cry? I have never seen her worried except that one day. Did that kindle this?. I shouldn't have said to her that day.

"Don't worry Lucy. I'll take care of this. "I swept fast to meet Sebastian.


"God, you are here man! " luckily I found him at the nearest bar.

"Oh, Derick. Did Lucy send you?... I am terribly sorry. " His voice was swaying without consistency.

"For what? "

"Do you know what Neha's brother did to you? He was substituted instead of you in the soccer team. He has cheated and dared to do that hearing Rachel's brainwashing words."

"Who told you this? "

"I heard this when Bobby and Lucy were arguing. "

Oh shit!

Lucy knew the truth now. Atleast Lucy wouldn't believe that Bobby anymore.

"It's his mistake and why did you leave Neha like that?"

"Man, she already knew that but she didn't tell anything. Damn it! "His furious tone could break anything.

"She already told me. "I grabbed his attention with a suprise.

"What? "

"Yes, Sebastian. The next day I was taken out of the team, Neha revealed what her brother and Rachel did to me. "

"Then why didn't she tell any of us? "

"I told her not to tell anyone. Listen, that day I had to take care of Lucy and I feared that Lucy would leave me if she comes to know this because that f*cking Rachel threatened me to become her boyfriend or else I will be axed out of the team. Lucy would have left me for my passion for soccer. " I finished my long explanation to clear the big misunderstanding.

"Derick... Derick... Derick. You idiot "


"Just now I broke up with My should have said this first. Oh God, how am I gonna talk to her. She is gonna kick me out man. "Sebastian's change of attitude gave me great relief.

Lucy's POV

"Lucy, you have to forgive me. "Neha hugged my palm with hers.

"It isn't your fault, Neha. "This was my first time seeing Neha in tears.

"It is, I already knew about this. "

"What? "

I was pertified knowing she already knew it. I turned back with a complex mind. She wouldn't do that.

"Why didn't you tell me? "

"That is... Um..."

"It's all because of this idiot, Derick. "I heard Sebastian's voice loud and clear. Derick and Seb were marching towards us.

"Newa, I want to talk with you, "Sebastian grabbed Neha to a far place.

God knows what they gonna do.

"Now, it's your time to explain Mr.Derick Robertson. " I folded my arms. I knew Seb wouldn't call Derick idiot without a reason

"Oh okay, promise me you won't become angry. "Derick ran his fingers into his thick dark chocolate hair.

He started to tell how he gave up soccer for me and told how he told Neha to not tell this to anyone. Anger flushed me but somehow I felt happy that he didn't leave me. I pretended to walk past him.

"Lucy, don't go. I'm sorry. I —"I pulled his shirt to me and I shut his mouth with mine. I gave him a small peck. He stood there without any reaction. I embarassed myself kissing him first. I slowly retreated but a magnetic pull made me collide with a hard wall.

"Do you think I will be satisfied with that peck? "

"Ah... "

He didn't give me the time even to tell an answer. He launched his fleshy plump on me. It was the rarest taste in the world. I forgot myself. That kiss conveyed every message.

"Guys, can you continue this in your apartment. "

We whipped oue head to see Neha and Seb coming together. They were no more separated. Thank God.

"Where are you guys heading? "

"To the place where we have already decided to go. " Seb sneaked closer to her.

"Sure. We also have unfinished business to do. "


[Continues in a discouraged tone.] Well, I deserve it. It is my own fault. My selfish conceit has wounded you past help. Every sentiment of your nature has felt it—seen it.

[Demurely.] But one sentiment they say is blind.

[Stunned.] Miss Bennet! [Elizabeth looks up at him. He rushes toward her.] Dearest, loveliest Elizabeth!

[He holds her in his arms.]

Curtains closed with thunder of applause. Derick was still holding me. He left me with a kiss. I has been one month since we started to be a couple again. The whole school knew about it.

We were not disturbed by Rachel beacuse she was suspended for a month. This past one month had been the best. Derick and I became inextricable.

"Lucy, you rocked the stage. "

"Thank you Neha. "Neha's ring shone. Sebastian had given her that promissory ring which was beyond cute. Still Neha was a badass she would kick any girl who comes near Seb.

"Lucy, Shall we go? "

"Yes, Derick but you still didn't tell me where we are going? "

Yesterday he asked me pack the dresses. He would always suprise me with exotic restaurants, beaches.

"It's a surprise Butter. "He kissed my forehead.

I hopped into the passenger seat with a popsicle. I always enjoyed eating something while travelling. So, Derick even stuffed a bag full of something to munch.

I opened the window to get the cool breeze which minded me the sense of freedom. The crimson sky made everything glow. I slowly chewed my gummy bears. Derick often closed the windows saying other men would see me. Really?

"Chubby, Are you going to tell me where we are going? "

"No, Butter. " he chuckled.

"If you don't me I won't ta—"

"Okay... I'll tell" I smiled showing my tremendous joy. My eyes begged for the answer with agitation.

"We are going to my parent's house. "I nearly chocked on my half eaten gummy bear.

"what!? "


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