That Couple(Janxxian/Andley)

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This is my new story I know it may seem like I already have a lot of stories going and I do but that is because I have to keep myself busy and if I thought it was a good idea to just finish all my books I would but I like leaving cliffhangers and teasing you guys.

But anyway this story is a ccXjakeXjinxx (forgot what ship name that was) and an andley.

In this story Andy and Ashley are already together but cc, Jake and jinxx find their way to each other.

The title idea is basically those couples you see like the ones that always fight or that couple that is always all over each other kind of things you know stereotypical couples so that were the name came from.

And so in the story cc and Jake will be one type of couple cc and jinxx another Jake and jinxx another and then when they all come together.

Andy and Ashley is a stereotypical couple to but which one?

Read and find out everything and see who will fall for whom....

That Couple(Janxxian/Andley)Where stories live. Discover now