Chapter 3

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(Y/n)'s POV

My phone alarm went off. Seriously, when did I even put an alarm on my phone? I groan loudly, picking the device up and looking at the screen. It's 9am and there's a troll face on my screen. "BLUE!" I yell angrily. Hysteric laughter from my roommate echoed from the kitchen. Guess they had the day off today.

I stumble into the kitchen angrily. "Eat up, buttercup, I wanna check out the revolutionary set again," they say, handing me a generous plate of pancakes. I wanted to be angry but damn their pancakes were good. "Fuck you and your fluffy, McDonalds pancakes," I groan. They snicker and we finish up with breakfast and place the dishes in the dishwasher.

"Hey! We meet again!" Hercules seemed generally unaware of Alexanders glare as they found us on the street once again. Seriously this was getting old. "Thanks for droppin' us off at Lizzie's the other night, we might not've made it home," He adds. "Yeah, no problem," (F/n) replies.

"Ya headin' to the Washington briefing? Its where everyone's getting' their uniforms and tent assignments n' stuff," Hercules asks. "Yeah, obviously," I say. He snickers and we walk with the five, (Burr's back!) to somewhere. Got I hate walking, my legs hurt.

We get in some categorised line from someone with a list of names, alphabetical by last name, I think. The guy with the list then stands at the front. Aaron beamed brightly with happiness. "Here come the general!" the man called. "Here come the general!" we- well, the others echoed. "The moment we've been waiting for," I hear Burr gleefully whisper. "Here comes the General!"

"The pride of mount Vernon...!"

"Here come the General!"

"George Washington...!"

The general himself stood proudly on a stage before us all. Man, I really didn't understand this line up thing. I think we was supposed to give a speech?

"We are out gunned!" Great start, sir. "WHAT!?" The crowd yelled. "Out manned!" he continued. "WHAT!?" the crowd once again yelled. "Outnumbered, out-planned!" I guess he was just ignoring their out cries then. "We gotta make an all-out stand!" the crowd cheered.

"Check it- Can I be real a second? For just a millisecond? Let down my guard and tell the people how I feel a second?" Lmao probably not. "Now I'm the model of a modern major general," Modern? Ha. Try live in my world, dude. "The venerated Virginian veteran whose men are all lining up, to put me up on a pedestal, writin' letters to relatives, embellishin' my elegance and eloquence," I held back a snort. "But the elephant is in the room, the truth is in ya face when ya hear the British cannons go-"

"BOOM!" the crowd yelled, cutting off the General. He just went with it. The rest of the speech was a blur. Actually, most what else we did was. Really it was venturing to the front lines, setting up tents, training, etc.

I ended up sharing a tent with Burr, Lafayette and Hercules. Also, the portal moved to the back wall of the tent. I placed my bed there so the others didn't have a chance to accidentally pass through it. I mean, in this world a few months could pass with us there with very little time back at home so. Win-win I guess.

"You really like the General, huh?" I muse to Aaron as he fanboyed on his cot about the general. "Yeah! I'm gonna ask to help him," he replied about to step out from the tent. "Like what...? Be his sectary?" Aaron nodded and left the tent. "Welp, that's not gonna end well," I shrug.

"What makes you think that?" Lafayette asked. His English was getting better, good for him! "Intuition," I reply. Not long later, Aaron came back with a dark look in his eye. "Alexander?" I recognized the dark look. Aaron nodded and wordlessly sat on his cot. "La vache," Lafayette murmurs as he hands Hercules a fistful of money.

The next few months were spent with Alexander helping Washington plan out their strategies and sent out letters. We were winning.

Philip Schuyler, a friend of George Washington, held a ball at one point and the general allowed us to go. (F/n) and I walked in with the boys we'd become such good friends with. "There's so many to deflower!" I heard Burr whisper yell. I barely held back a scoff of disgust. "What? Women's looks are their proximity to power," Aaron replied, half offended. Alex nodded and I noticed Lafayette and Hercules had dragged off (F/n) so talk to someone.

Aaron barely held back a knowing smile as Lafayette attempted to talk to a girl. "A winter's ball and the Schuyler sisters are the envy of all," he purred. "Yo, if you could marry a sister, your rich son," he added, turning to us. I raised an eyebrow. "Is that a question of 'if' Burr? Or which one?" Alexander asks, spinning on his heel to walk towards the lady Lafayette was failing to woo.

Aaron snickered. "What's so funny?" I asked. "That girl Alexander's dancing with, her name is Angelica Schuyler, there's no way they'd make a couple, Angelica's much too stubborn, she and Alexander would fight too much," I snicker. "Fair enough," after a bit, the boys and (F/n) drag Alexander back to us and we drink and hang out like you do at a party.

Angelica came up to us and took Alexander's arm with a point into the crowd. Aaron and Laf practically choked. She then dragged him off. "Where are you taking me?" he asked. "I'm going to change your life," she replied. "Jesus, you men are easily wooed my female sexualization," I groan. "Only thing as important as freedom would be to continue your lineage," Hercules replied. "I guess that's just not very important to me," I shrug. (F/n) scoffed and rolled their eyes with an amused look whereas Lafayette and John gave me almost identical looks of... something. Admiration maybe? I don't know.

That night I had surprise chat with a friend.

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