Chapter 6

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{^^This is relevant at the end ^^}

(Y/n)'s POV

I was walking back to the camp alone, the boys (and Lafayette, not including Alexander) had left earlier, when I had told them to buzz of and Aaron had left a little after them. Eliza and her family (Alexander included had left, I guess so Eliza and Alexander could go on their honeymoon... their barely a week long honeymoon... whatever floats their boat, I guess.

I with my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I could see a few moving shadows, people, moving on the pathway. They spoke in whispers. We were walking opposite me so I just kept my head down... however.

"Man, you really got hung up on this guy, huh?"

"B-but! H-he was so nice! A-and-"

No way... is that...?

"Samuel...?" I ask. The pair of men both stop and look at me. "Red," Samuel replied in breathless shock. He had a surprised look on his face. "Sup, dude, how ya been?" I ask. He gulped. "G-g-good..." he replied. "Y-you?" the friend was laughing at him silently. "I've been fine," I reply. "Name's David, I'm Samuel's brother," I shook David's hand. "It's nice to meet you David,"

"So, you're this 'Red' fellow Sam's been gushing about," Samuel whined in embarrassment. I chuckled. "Perhaps so, your brother is a charming man," Samuel groaned louder. "He is, sometimes I wonder what the lord thinks of him," How the fuck did I forget all these guys were Christian?? "I bet he'd think the same," I reply. David smiles.

The brother pat's Samuel's shoulder and whispers something, before walking ahead. "I am so sorry," He says. "It's fine, really," I half snicker. He shakes his head and gives me guilty look. "No... it's not..." he mutters. "Pardon?"

Something hits the back of my head, my vision blurs, my ears ring, and I stumble to the floor. Hah. I guess that's what he meant.

I woke up in a dungeon by the looks of it, mould growing between bricks and rusting bars. Neither of those things is good for my health. "Oh~ You're awake, wonderful," Someone says. "Where the fuck am I?" I ask, my throat hurts and my voice is raspy. I must've been out for a while. "You're in the castle prison, milady," the guard replies. Mil-? I was wearing my uniform still, lacking the over coat for obvious reasons... but I wasn't wearing... oh. OH. JESUS CHRIST!

"Was undressing me in my sleep necessary?" I ask. "We had to make sure you weren't carrying any weapons, did your General Washington, know about this?" This is an oddly friendly guard... "Ha, no way, nobody knew," he turned and gave me a curious look. "Seriously? Not one of your fellow soldiers knew you were a woman?" I smirk at him. "Nope," he scoffs and turns back to the hall. "Right, whatever,"





"Hey. How long was I out?" he hums in thought, man I really like this guard. "About a week, maybe two?" I blink. "A hit to the back of the head knocked me out for a fortnight? Bullshit," he snickers. "You were probably drugged at one point or another," I nod slowly. "Right..."





"What's your name~?" I ask. I had an idea, but to do it, I'd have to throw my pride away. "Oh, look, the advisor's here!" The nameless guard says abruptly, stepping aside to the advisor to look at me. "A woman impersonating a man to be a soldier... is that stupid rebellion so desperate to win the war? Pathetic," he growled. I simply smile back at him. "Tough luck sweetie, we're going to win this war, you will surrender to us,"

The advisor scoffs. "Right. Whatever you say. The king requests you see him," The advisor pulls a key from his pocket and unlocks the dungeon door. I keep my hands up so he can see them as I step out slowly. The guard shackles my hands together and the advisor had him follow behind me as he leads to the throne room.

"Ah... the lady soldier..." King George III of the United Kingdom purred from his throne. Queen Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz sat beside her husband with a judgmental glare in her gaze. "In all their glory," I reply smugly, giving the royal pair a mocking bow. "Did you mother not teach you manners?" The queen spat. I snicker. "What mother?"

Charlotte raised an eyebrow. "Pitiful,"

"What makes you think you can win this war?" George asks. I grin at him. "If I tell you that, we might not win," he sighs through his nose. "You are very stubborn," he mutters under his breath. Charlotte whispers in his ear. He whispers back. She had a counter argument. He sighs. "We can give whatever you want, money, a man, all you have to do is tell us what your general plans to do,"

Wow. Nice plan!

"As much as I wish I could give you that information, you don't think the General just tells individuals what the plan was? He's not stupid," I say. "Welp, I tried," George shrugged. Charlotte elbows him. "Dear, you must know that we can give you whatever you desire," the queen stands from her throne and approaches. The guard and advisor bow as she approaches and places her hands on my cheeks.

"And I'm telling you, Washington doesn't tell me his plans, his right-hand man helps him, and I've been out for a week or two, they've probably changed tactics," George seems to perk up. "His right-hand man, you say?"


Charlotte tuts and she sizes me up. "You poor thing! It must've been horrible to wear such drab clothes, come, I'll get the maids to help you into proper lady wear, and a room," Everyone looked confused. Charlotte winked at her husband. Oh. I get what she's doing. Haha. Cute~

The guard take the shackles off me and Charlotte leads me to what I assume was a guest bedroom. Merely seconds upon entering, a few maids scurried in and one took my measurements, then they scurried away to get a dress my size. A different maid with brushing my hair and another was doing my nails. I waver her off quickly and she left to where I assume her room or the kitchen was.

The maid who measured me came back helped me fit into the dress while the Queen waited outside. "You must be lucky to have the queen do this for you," the maid whispered, as if not wanting to be heard the queen on the other side of the door. "Luck isn't the word I'd use," I mutter back. The dress  was pretty but very tight. I think I was suffocating. The time here is going to be the death of me, I assure you.

The maid has strawberry blonde hair tied in a low ponytail and flung over her shoulder and her pale skin dotted in similar colored freckles. Her eyes were a pretty pearl color and she wore the classical maiden outfit, with a longer skirt because 1700's I guess.

"My name is Saiya, what's yours?"


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