Chapter 21

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(Y/n)'s POV

Carlos growled at the man holding me hostage. "Let her go, sir," he says calmly, despite the boiling hate on his face. "Let us leave then," The man replied. Carlos chuckled. "Your loss then," the man didn't have much time to question Carlos.

I kicked his foot hard, then I elbowed his nose. When he let go I spun around and kicked him hard in the groin. He groaned loudly and dropped to his knees, letting go of his gun in the process. I pick it up and point it at him, the others had their guns of the wife.

"Fuck you! Fuck you all!" The wife yelled in a thick French accent. "Ma'am, you're under arrest for a multiple of charges, please step away from the hospital bed," I say. Growling, she picks Elita up by her collar of her gown and pulls her face to the glass. "One step and I smash her face," the woman growls.

Elita was crying, softly protesting and begging not to be hurt.

"Oh for fucks- FAIRTE TAIRE BRAT!" the wife roared at Elita. She whimpered but went quiet. During this, I managed to sneak up on her and knock her hard in the face with the gun. She dropped Elita and I dragged the mother away by her hair. I feel like Elita doesn't want to be touched.

Both parents were yelling curses in their home language as they were handcuffed and taken to the station. Elita was placed under special care in the hospital because they had to get her nutrients up and I was interviewed as a witness about the ordeal.

(F/n) was very angry to find out I was at the station but after the situation was explained they calmed down... slightly. CPS was involved as well and there was a few straight days of contracts and other stuff about legalisation. Boring.

"Blue~" I say. "Oh, Jesus Christ who did you murder?" They ask, shivering. Hah, probably my tone... "No one, yet, but I actually wanted to ask you about something else..." They turn to me slowly, stare me dead in the eyes, and then sigh. "What is it?"

"Can I adopt Elita?"








"WHAT!?" I cringed. "Can I-?"

"No- no- I heard you- I just- what!? You want to adopt this kid you've known for barely a week because...?"

"Because foster homes are mostly just foster homes for the money!" I argue. (F/n) sighs, they couldn't deny that. "I know, I know but-"

"And I know we have enough money to look after her, we both get paid a lot of money,"

"There's not enough-"

"I'm sure we could renovate the house, I'll pay for her pleeeeaaaaassssseee!"

"God, you're such a child,"

"(F/n), please," it was their turn to cringe. I almost never called them by their real name. They groan. "Plus it also depends on what Elita says, she has a say as well," (F/n) groans, sighs, then waves me off dismissively with their hand. "Yep, okay, sure, do whatever, I have work," I hug them from behind. "Thank you!"

I make my way to the hospital and to Elita's room. "Hey, how you handling?" I ask, sitting on the chair beside her bed. "Better, the doctor's kind of scare me," she replies. I smile. "So, what're your plans after all this?" I ask. "Dunno, foster home, probably," I tilt my head. "What if Blue and I took you in?" I ask.

"Nah, I've cause you two enough trouble already," I snicker at this. "You think we'd be officers is we didn't like trouble?" She looked up at me with large green eyes. "You'd do that...?" she asked, voice trembling and eyes watering. "Only if you want to," I nod. She launches at me, and help be as tight as she could. "THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!" she exclaims. I smile and hug her back.

"Does the house look... bigger than before?" (F/n) asks slowly. "I think so..." I murmur. We look at each other, shrug and walk in. the house seemed the same from the front but we were proved otherwise down the hall. It was longer and there was a new room. "I guess that one's Ellie's..." I murmur.

"You gave her a nickname?"


She was still in the hospital so (F/n) and I got what was necessary (with my money), a bed, a desk, school supplies, storage, etc and set up her room for her. I also enrolled her into a school because all children have a right to education.

"God, this house is so weird... it changes on its own and has switchable compartments?" (F/n) asked. "Don't you think it's weird that it was for sale at a price we could afford with just enough room for both of us?" I counter. "I've been suspicious of this place since the beginning," They nod. "Yeah, but what about that weird lady that was in the attic? The house didn't cater to her needs," I shrug. "Maybe because she didn't own the house?"

When Elita came back, we showed her- her room and helped her decorate it the way she wanted, got her clothes she liked and got her ready for school. It was midyear so I just had her join the second semester, which was in a few weeks.

"There's one more thing about this house you need to know," I say. "What's that?" I wink at her and pushed the cupboard at the end of the hallway. The door opened and I went in, "Come on," I edge, she gulped and nervously followed. I grabbed the book and key and opened the door in the basement, taking her hand and pulling her through.

She cringed up opened her eyes after a moment. She seemed surprised when she saw the outdated clothing and bedroom. "Where-?" I pull her along. "You've got to meet the family," I say.

I pull her to the living room. John sat with Maria cuddling into his side, Eliza was at the piano with the children and Alexander was probably in his office. "People, children, this is my- uh- cousin, she's going to be staying here as well," I announce.

"Another girl!?" Philip exclaimed. "Philip Hamilton! Mind your manners," Eliza scolded. Elita flinched as Susan and Angelica bounded up to her quickly exclaiming different responses loudly. "Her name is Elita and I'm only now noticing how similar that is to Eliza," I say. Eliza giggles. "It's quite alright," she says.

"Ellie, this is Maria, John, Eliza, Susan, Angelica, Philip, Frances is somewhere and Alex is in his office," I summarise. "Oh, and to add to the good news," Eliza says. "I am pregnant," Okay cool, but how do you know? "Eliza that's great!" John (and Maria) jump from the couch to embrace their third quarter. Since there was four of them...

"Now, how to tell Alexander," She sighs. "Just wait for him to notice, if he doesn't," I shrug. "Don't let him name the child," Eliza chuckles. "I was thinking of naming the child after John or Maria," Eliza replies. "Awe," Maria pulls into the embrace softly. The kids all joined after. "See this, El? This is a family, they're all loving, they will fight, but they love each other," I whisper to her. She nods. "And this is what you and Blue are offering me..."

"Yes, yes we are..."

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