Chapter 26

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(Y/n)'s POV

I lied on the couch contemplating life and simply being bored. Elita took Maya out to town and (F/n) was at work so I had absolutely no entertainment. The internet for the house was shot and there was nothing good on tv. Deciding to do something productive, I open the attic door and step up the stairs. I pulled the fake wall back and got to work on the cases.

The front door slamming shut and hurried steps running down the hall caught my attention a few hours later. I felt sorry for the poor soul who ran into the attic stairs. It was Elita, i noticed, as I climbed down the stairs. "What's the hurry?" I ask. She just gulps and gives me a nervous look. Maya was growling and also refused to give me an explanation.

(F/n) was in the kitchen, though, I was sure they weren't meant to be home yet. "What's up?" I asked. They were in their room and packing half of theory stuff. Elita was in her room doing the same thing. "There was a threat from relatives and friends of Elita's parents, we're going into hiding for a bit until the force can take the group down," they say. I nod slowly. "Uh, okay...? What am I supposed to do while you're gone?"

"What you usually do? You're popular on the internet and get a shit ton of money, right? Plus, you've got those other odd end jobs, you'll be fine," they respond. "No- I know that, but, I know you're going to be gone for ages, what if something bad happens here?" they give an amused scoff. "You're strong, trained and armed with a gun, baseball bat and whatever Maya is, I'm sure you'll be good,"

I groan aloud, but let them continue. Before they leave, I hug them and wish them well and then... they're gone.

"I not understand," Maya says, sitting on the couch with her knees to her chest and tail flicking nervously. "I can help, but they say to not," I sigh. "This is a personal matter that happened without the influence of magic, if you were to interfere you could be arrested and bad people would do bad things to you," her ears somehow lowered. "The other humans aren't allowed to know you're... whatever you are, I still haven't figured that out,"

"Xåmįc zlėtch," she says. "Translate to "blood royal", ølkįrs believe species owned the land with spirit bond to everything so call Xåmįc zlėtch," I nod. It was getting dark so I started on making dinner. "Hey, what does olkir mean?" I ask. "Ølkįr translate to elder, they respected leader of our clan," I nod. "Elders for us are usually the oldest member of our family, they're wise but not always the leader," I reply. She tilted her head but nods.

"I have question," Maya says, halfway through eating dinner. "Shoot," I reply. She looks at me weirdly. "That means "go for it"," I add. "Why so calm? I recognise human do not find different species like Xåmįc zlėtch often..." I nod. "A lot of weird shit just sort of happened all at once, so I think we're getting numb to surprise now,"

"Maya, if you need anything, I'll be in the attic, I've got some stuff to do," she nods and continues watching some documentary playing on tv as I go upstairs. I continue the work I was doing before finding small similarities between cases and whatnot. I couldn't help but feel like something was watching me the whole time...

I woke up in my bed with sunlight pouring on my face and absolute confusion. If anything, I'm pretty sure I passed out upstairs. I roll out of bed and land on my stomach in the floor, my face was shielded by my arms. I groan aloud, not wanting to leave my room, but doing so anyways.

"Happy noon time zone," Maya greets, placing a bowl of cereal, the same I'd given her on her first day here. "Is it noon already? Shit," I moan, barely getting a spoonful of cereal in my mouth before I give up on life and slam my head on the table. "I found human sleeping in attic, so I carried you to bed," she says. "Did you need something before?" I ask.

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