Chapter 20

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(Y/n)'s POV

An alarm ringing in my ears jolts me awake and I slip out of the bed sheets, landing harshly on the floor with a thud. It was still dark and I heard (F/n) groan. "Is that your fucking alarm? Why are you getting up at this ungodly hour!?" I hiss, taking the pillow that fell with me and throwing it at them.

"Got back to sleep if you want but I got work," They respond, sluggishly walking to the bathroom. I'd heard that a cold shower wakes people up but shit I could hear the ice hitting the tiles. I groan, I mean, I was awake now. I sluggishly make my way into the kitchen and make myself a bowl of cereal.

Halfway through, after (F/n) had joined me with breakfast, I remembered about Elita, and poked my head into my room. She was sleeping, breathing evenly but something seemed... off. She seemed tense. I slip onto the floor, closed the door, and hid in the darkness. After a moment, Elita sat up.

She was still handcuffed to the bed, so she only walked as far as that allowed her to the door. It was silent. She went back to the bed and sat down. She groaned, pressing her fingers to her head. Her body swirled as if drunk and she went limp. I jumped from my spot to catch her head.

I picked her up (she was really light) and unclipped the handcuffs from the bed and carried her out to the living room. (F/n) went to work already, great, they didn't even say bye. Rude.

I placed Elita on the floor, straight on her back and checked is she was breathing. I pulled her feet up onto the couch and bolted to grab my phone. I called 911 as I made my way back to her.

"9-1-1, What is your emergency?" the operator asks. "Uh, this kid I was looking after fainted, I don't know her personally, she just appeared on my doorstep, but I know she's malnourished and eleven," I explain. "Okay, we'll send an ambulance, miss, what's your address?" I give the operator the necessary information and half an hour later I heard the sirens. I let the medic in and they bend down to inspect her.

"What's her name?" One asked. "Her name is Elita," I reply. They picked her up and placed her in the ambulance, I followed behind and got to ride with them. "What happened?" The other asked. "Uh, I checked up on her sleeping and she stood up, walked to the door, sat on the bed then passed out, she nearly hit her head on the floor,"

"Did she not know you were in the room?"

"No, I hid,"


"I don't know her personally, she came to me for help, I wanted to make sure she wasn't a thief,"

"Ah, so uh- who are you?"

"My name is (Y/n) (L/n), I'm an ex-cop,"

The medic nodded and the conversation died there. At the hospital, I sat in the waiting room while the doctors tested her. I was dozing off when a doctor stepped out of the room. "Ms (L/n)?" She asked. I hummed. "Yep, that's me, how's the kid?" I ask, snapping into reality and standing up.

"She should be fine, barely, but fine, she's badly malnourished and has large bruises, you said she came to you for help?" the doctor asks. "Yeah, she told me her parents were... bad- to say the least," I reply. The doctor nods. "But as she isn't under your legal care we'll have to involve CPS," I nod. "And the police, she said her family were criminals," The doctor gave me a suspicious look. "Why didn't you contact the police before?" she asked. "She didn't want to involve the police in fear of the outcome,"

The doctor nods, "Children ARE prone to lying to avoid bad outcomes, well, you will need to stay as a witness," I nod. "Yep, I was a cop, I know how this works," the doctor nods then leave. I yawn and sit back on the chair, dozing off into darkness again.

"Miss," I flinch and groan as I look up. "Yep, 'm awake, sup?" the doctor tilts her head at me. The sun was just rising over the horizon. "Elita is awake and said she'd like to see you," I nod. "Kay," I yawn, stepping into her room.

"You're still here..." Elita says when I walk in, she had a needle in her arm and a hospital gown on. "Why?" She asked. "Well A; I's probably be arrested for leaving a child at the hospital, B; the sun is just rising so I had nothing important to do and C; you think I'd take you to the hospital just to ditch you? REALLY?" I ask. Elita smiled thankfully.

"Ma'am?" God, these nouns. "Yes?" I ask, turning on my heel to the doctor. "Some scans came in that we think you might want to see..." I raise an eyebrow, "Oh...kay...?" I follow him to the hall and look over his shoulder as he shows me the scans. "It shows here that she has a tracker in her neck," the doctor starts, pointing at a part on the scans. "Tracker?" I echo. "Shit..."

Loud yelling from the lower hospital floors caught our attention. "God, I am so fucking tired," I groan. A woman with bright green eyes rivalling Elita's stormed angrily down the hall with a man with hair like Elita on her heels (obviously her parents). "LÀ OÙ LA BAISE EST MA FILLE VOUS SKANK!!" The mother yelled at me. "I don't understand French," I reply automatically. "Where is our daughter?" The man repeated in a calmer, dismissive tone. Without much reply, the wife looking at her phone, they charged into the hospital room. I charged in after, the mother was yelling at Elita in French and the father still didn't seem to care.

"Excuse me, are you the father?" I ask, stepping to the man. "Aye," What are you, a pirate? "So, do you know why your daughter is malnourished and covered in bruises?" I ask smugly. "What're you implying, lass?" the man asked, looming over me threateningly. Maybe he's Irish/Scottish? "I'm implying bad parenting,"

He slapped me. I also noticed the mother had stopped yelling at Elita. "POLICE! HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM!" I heard a familiar voice yell as the door was kicked in. The man cursed and pulled a gun from her pocket, pulling my in as hostage. "TAKE ANOTHER STEP AND I SHOOT!" He yells.

God, how did I get into this mess...?

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