Chapter 5

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(Y/n)'s POV

John spoke to Alex and Eliza about how he felt and I don't know what happened but he seemed happy with the results. I sat beside John and we eyed each other as the noise in the room died down for food. I stood and tapped my fork on the glass, catching everyone's attention.

"Hello everyone! For those who do not know me, I am Red (L/n) and I am a fellow soldier of the groom," the crowd cheered and some people called; "FOR THE REVOLUTION!!" I smile. "Now, I propose a toast," they cheered again. "To the groom, a non-stop man of magical words and smart or stupid actions," the crowd laughed. "And to the bride, though I haven't known Eliza long, she's shown to me she's a sweet natured woman who cares deeply for our baby Alexander-" the crowd laughed and Alexander blushed. "-and so, to the lovely couple tonight!"

"TO ALEXANDER AND ELIZA!" The crowd yelled, everyone tapped their drinks together. "Alright, alright," I chuckle, I sit down and John stands. I zone out a bit as he gives his speech, but a slightly dark looking Angelica catches my attention and I'm suddenly thrust into reality. "Alright! Alright! Now, EVERYBODY! Give it up, for the maid of honour! ANGELICA SCHUYLER!" John called. Angelica wiped her tears quickly and held up her glass.

Angelica: "A toast to the groom!" she shouted.

("TO THE GROOM!!" the crowd cheered.)

Angelica: "To the bride!"


Angelica: "From your sister!"


Angelica: "Who is always by your side!"

("By your side!")

Angelica: "To your union,"



Angelica: "And the hope that you provide,"



Angelica: "May you always-!"


Angelica: "Be satisfied!"


John sits beside me. "Soooo? How'd talking to Alex go?" I ask. I hadn't had the chance earlier. John hummed, then looked at me with a big grin. "I went great, Mom," I raised an eyebrow. "That's it?" I ask. He hummed again. "Oh, right! It's kinda a three-way thing, they're getting married but it's like Eliza's my wife as well, y'know?" John asked. I nodded. "Have you kissed 'em?" He went red, cleared his throat, and looked away. I snicker.

Lafayette and Hercules join our table just after. "What's John blushin' about?" Herc asked. "Nothing important," I replied, wiggling my eyebrows at John. "M-mom!" he froze and I barely held back my laugh as I place my head on the table. "You call them Mom?" Lafayette asked. I laughed harder and Hercules looked between Lafayette and John confused. "They??"

"Their preferred pronouns," Lafayette explained. Hercules nodded, but still seemed confused. I coughed and sat back up as I tried to breath properly. "Everything good over here?" Alexander asks, sitting a bit too close to John. "John's calls Red mom, Lafayette says he prefers 'they' pronouns and I think Red is dying," Hercules elaborated. I somehow managed to laugh harder, and cough harder. The all looked at me with a concerned look.

I avoided alcohol that night, the boys (and Lafayette) were drunk enough to have to help each other stand, however not as drunk as the night (F/n) and I found them. Where was (F/n) anyways? EH. The boys (and Lafayette) were singing. Badly, but singing no less.

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