Valentine's Special (With plot)

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(Y/n) POV

I was exhausted. I was up all-night last night making and handing out Valentines cards to my friends. Okay, so it was a day early but they know I like to sleep in on a public holiday when I don't actually have work. "Hey, Red, wake up!" I groan and roll over. "RED!" I groan aloud and use my pillow to wack them. "OW! (Y/n)! GET UP!" I moan. "NOOOOOOOOOO!!! LET ME SLEEP!!" Their arms snake around my waist and tug me out of bed. "BBLLLUUUEEE STOOP!" I hiss. "Get up RED! I need to give you something!" they yell back. "Then wait for me to- WELP, I'm awake now, what's up?"

"Come with me~" they say, taking my arm and dragging me into the lounge room. Posey sat on the couch, Marissa sat on the table like an asshole and Carlos was sitting on the floor. (F/n) sat me in the middle of the couch and then sat on the other side on the other side of the couch.

"Here!" Posey hands me a card coloured in pink and red and a rose. "Happy valentine's day!" I blink at her. "Okay...? Thank... you...?" I take the card. It was a simple "Happy Valentine's Day" card. Carlos just gave me a box of favourites chocolates. "Thanks for the thought Lossy," I mutter sarcastically. He finger guns me. I scoff and roll my eyes. "I made sure to get the Queen the best present," Marissa says, handing me a glass rose. "Oh...! Thank... you...?"

"There's more!" Blue beams. Posey pulls a blindfold over my eyes and the group lead me somewhere. By the sounds I could tell we were going down into the basement. Marissa and Carlos didn't know about the portal...

We went through the portal came out in my room. And the blind fold. Carlos and (F/n) wore the men's outfits, Marissa and Posey wore the dresses and I wore what I usually did. "Whaat theeee fuuuuck?" Carlos asked. "Majic~" I reply wiggling my fingers in his face. I step out and (F/n) held out a bag of just handmade cards. I'd actually helped with a few of them but they hadn't explained why I was helping. They'd written inside them all.

"First, we start with the Hamiltons," they say. "The who?" Carlos asked. "Come," I reply. We lead our friends into the living room, where Eliza sat to the side playing piano with Philip. "Liz, here," She perks up and I hand her the card. "Awwe, thank you!" she beams. (F/n) hands one to Philip who seems confused. Eliza looked surprised.

"Hello, you must be Blue! I have heard much about you from the boys and Red," Eliza says to them. "I've heard of you too from Red, it's great to meet you officially!" Blue replies. "Lizzy, these are some more of our friends, you've met Posey," she waves shyly. "The other two are Marissa and Carlos," Marissa nods towards Eliza and Carlos winks.

"So, where's John and Alex?" I ask. "They've gone to hang out with Hercules and Lafayette, they're visiting," Eliza replied. "Hercules? Like the god?" Marissa muttered under her breath. "Thanks, we've got letters to hand out!" She smiles at us as we march out the door, our friends trailing behind curiously.

We were walking when lo and behold, we came across Thomas and James. What a coincidence. "Hey!" I beam, catching their attention. They perk up curiously, then smile with recognition. "Ah, Red, it's nice to see you on such a pretty day, how are you?" Thomas asked. "I'm good, these are my friends, Blue, I've told you about them!" Thomas and (F/n) make eye contact and nod respectfully at each other, damn, we've been hanging out here too long. "And these are Posey, Marissa and Carlos," I add. "Guys, these are my workmates Thomas and James,"

They exchange their hello's and I shuffle through the bag (F/n) brought with them, pulling out two cards. "Happy Valentine's day!" I practically yell, handing them the cards. "We've got lots of rounds to do, but it was great seeing you!" I say. Running off with my friends following before they could respond.

"We're stopping by the white house for a moment, kay? COOL!" I pretty much march in with them clueless group following as I knocked on Washington's door. Martha opened it. "Well, hello Red, what can I do for you?" She asked. "Can I see General Washington?" I ask. She nods and disappears to get him. "As in-?"

"Do you need something, (Y/n)?" Washington asked, stepping into the doorway. (F/n) held out a card to him. "We just wanted to say happy Valentine's day," They say. "Ah, Blue," he takes the card. "It's good to see you walking around again, how's the wound?" Washington asks. "I'm fine, hurts a little every now and again but fine," they reply. Washington nods. "Well, I hope you heal completely, usually people are not so lucky," (F/n) nods. "WELL THEN! This was fun but we've still got lots to do, bye Captain!"

I jump off the porch as he smiles and closes the door and we continue our journey. "What wound?" Marissa asks. "Oh, I was shot here, Posey helped with the wound though so it's all good," (F/n) shrugged nonchalantly. "YOU WHERE SHOT!?" Carlos yelled. "Zip it!" I snap, watching the people that gave us a weird look.

We enter the bar and were able to find the boys quickly. They were yelling and singing loudly. "BOYS, WE HAVE ARIVED!" I yell over them. Hercules and Lafayette hugged me and all four hugged (F/n). "Who's this?" Lafayette asked, looking at the other three. "These are Posey, Marissa and Carlos, they're our friends," (F/n) replied.

"We have gifts," I say, handing each of the boys a card. "Thank you, mes amis!" Lafayette beams. "Ah! Êtes-vous des Frances? Je tends à barboteren français," Marissa says. "I forgot she could speak French," I mutter. "I work with her every day and I forget that," (F/n) whispered back.

"Je suis, comment avez-vous appris le français?" Lafayette asked. "Je parle français trop y'know?" Alex muttered under his breath. Lafayette laughed at him. "Oui vous pouvez, mon ami, mais j'ai déjà connucela," he replied. Alex huffs. "Well, ignoring them, how have you been Herc? It's been ages," I beam. "I've been good, Elizabeth's happy and the kids are good," he replies. "How've you been?"

"Oh, good, good, yeah, it's been great, I've made some new friends, met some old ones and everything's good," Hercules smiles. "That's great!" John pulls me aside. "Actually, there's been something I've been meaning to say," he whispers to me as Hercules goes into conversation with Posey and Carlos talks with Alexander. (F/n) seemed to be just contently listen to all the conversations.

"Well... I was married... before all this, to a pregnant woman and during the war, Martha died when our daughter was eight and since I was in the war, my sister looked after her, but now that I'm home, my father wants me to look after her,"

I snort. "Johnny, that's something you talk to Alexander and Eliza about, besides, I didn't think Eliza will mind having an adopted daughter," John shifts uncomfortably. "I know... it's just... how old would Frances even be by now?" he groaned. "What if she hates me for leaving or-"

"John, when was Frances born?" I ask. "Uh... sometime seventeen seventy-seven...?" He replied. "And it's seventeen eighty-six, she's like, nine, she doesn't know you, she's heard storied of how her father fought in the American revolution from your sister, I think she's gonna love you," He smiles. "Thanks mom,"

"But you still gotta bring it up with Alex and Eliza,"

"Goddamn it,"

Later that night, (F/n) took the others home and I sent the remaining letter's to Samuel, George, Charlotte and Saiya.

Kon'nichiwa, bonjour, hello my strange readers! If there are any languages you want added or need help with feel free to ask! But anyways, enjoy the story and feel free to comment any ideas you have to improve! P.S Oui, I know this is early okay? I don't care. Spread Love.

Genki de,

Prends soin,

Take care,

- G

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