Chapter 9

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(Y/n) POV

It's been a year in the 1700's but I digress. George and Charlotte kept to their word and I studied about what's they'd ask me and what not to give accurate answers, because y'know, I'm not THAT much of a liar.

Hercules and his family servant -I don't like the word slave- Cao really helped during that period and (F/n) helped a lot once I managed to get home. I grew closer to the royal family and I was there for the birth of who was to be their second youngest, Prince Alfred. I'd told them about their next child, Princess Amelia but she wasn't to be born for another two years.

I saw Samuel again too. He was a scribe for the King and he was so scared when he saw me. I guess he thought I hated him or something. I didn't, we talked and we're good. He didn't really have much choice with what his brother did.

George knew the Americans would win and accepted that gracefully and I made a promise to send him letters after the war. Hercules was my 'escort' back 'home' and disapproved of my promise to the king.


The battle of Yorktown is happening. From what history, (Y/n) and Hercules have told me, John and (F/n) have been placed in South Carolina, Lafayette is in Chesapeake Bay and Hercules is here.

"Ready for the surrender of the British kingdom?" I ask Hercules. He gives me a nervous smile. He must be missing Elizabeth... "Here," I hold his hand tightly. "I know we're going to make it through this, they will surrender," I say. Hercules looks into my eyes, I guess looking for any hint of a lie or ill intent. He clenches his free together, then unfurls it, and repeats the action as he speaks. His other hand was practically crushing mine. "But... But I'm not THERE, I- I can't HELP I-I..." I hug him, and he stops.

He hugs me back and cried into my shoulder, probably at a weird angle considering the height difference but... whatever. Let the man cry. "It's okay to be worried about your family Herc, let it out," the soothing vaguely reminded of someone, but the shake that thought out of head. "B-but they're my f-fri-"

"Your friends are your family, Hercules, never forget that," I say sternly. He flinches at my tone and stops crying for a moment. "T-thank you..."

The carriage stopped and we had to walk a while. Once we were there, we announced our presence and he let us in. "I'm surprised you're alive and well (L/n)," he starts, though he wasn't looking at me. "As am I, sir," I reply. "Mulligan and I succeeded and are ready to fight," I add. Washington's eyes met mine as he inspected me. "Captain Mulligan, you are excused," He says. Hercules blinked in surprised, looked at me nervously, swallowed back his words and left with a nod.

"Ms (L/n)," Washington starts. I go to correct him but he holds up a hand. "I've heard your preferred pronouns from Lieutenant Laurens, Hamilton, Lafayette and Captain Mulligan, I actually have some questions to ask you," I hesitate, but nod. Washington seems to breath a relieved sigh and turns to look out the window of his tent. God, was now the time to be dramatic?

"So, you and... Blue... was their name? When are you two from?" Washington asked still staring out the window. "New York city," I reply. Washington tsked. "I said 'when'," I blink. "Pardon me?" I ask. "What time period are you from? You're obviously not from ours," he clarified. I stared in shock.

"Your excellency...? How do you know of the time rift?" I ask. Washington seemed taken back, and turned to me. I guess he wasn't expecting me to answer with a question. We stared at each other, daring the other to speak first, or maybe to figure out how to continue the conversation when it clicked in my head.

"It's happened before..." I mutter in a low whisper. Washington lowered his head almost... shamefully. "It allows you to live two lives," He starts. "Here, I am a general of an army about to win the American revolution... there? I'm the man who failed to protect..."

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