Chapter 13

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Home sweet home~" I sigh, stepping up the ramp. God, we really did need to get around to renovating, or something. "Oh, you're back, that was... depends on how long you were gone," (F/n) says from the kitchen. Violet was sleeping in her doggy bed at the foot of the kitchen table. "Hours, I had dinner with Thomas Jefferson," I reply. "Alex's enemy? Why?" they asked. "Cause he asked," I shrugged. "Yeah, okay," they murmur.

"What're you doing?" I ask. "Goin' over some work files," they reply. I watch over their shoulder. "Man, those cases are old," I groan, wiping dust off of a file. "Yeah, but I'm a wounded officer and I think they're all connected in a way," they say, flicking through one with "Murder of Sally Williams" written on it. "What brought this up? I've been through these files before, none of them correlate with each other," I respond. "Most things they have in common are the fact that someone dies and there's a minor involved,"

"Jeffery Woods," They start picking up a folder with "Woods brothers" printed on it. I groan. "Murdered his parents and critically injured his brother, thankfully Liu survived but he disappeared out of the hospital a day after re-awakening," They were reading out of the file. "Yeah, I know, that was MY case," I reply.

"Lucille-Tiffany Greatfeild," they say, picking up another file of the same name. "Disappeared into the woods behind her boarding school after being badly bullied only to be seen again covered in blood, some surviving victims claim she was possessed by a demon,"

"I fully believe that," I retort. (F/n) glares from her spot on the kitchen table whereas I fell lazily across the couch.

"Alex – The Bleeding Man," I recognised that name too. "Didn't he kill a couple of doctors with an axe? After being claimed dead with an axe to the back of his skull?" I ask. "YES," (F/n) replies bitterly. "Stop cutting me off!"

"Benjamin Patricks - drowned by his father, Jane Arkensaw - family was murdered then she disappeared-"

"I actually figured out her story is connected to the Woods brothers, in a note found on one of Jane's murders she says her family was killed by Jeffery, nicknamed Jeff so, yeah," I shrug. "COOL, STOP INTERUPTING ME,"

"These are all my cases anyways, why are you going over them?" I ask. "Before you got back I had a weird feeling that... that Sally was around... and I don't know, I guess something made me think these kids would know what happened..."

"But we know what happened. The autopsy showed signs of struggle, she'd had her head beat with a rock and... that also happened, but y'know, there's nothing more to it..." (F/n) blinks. "I know, I know, but sometimes... it scares me to think that... in other universes, it could've been one of us... or all three of us... it's part of why I decided to become a cop..."

"So, if it never happened you wouldn't've have been a cop?" They snicker. "Don't say it like that! Wouldn't've, it's said would-not-have," we laugh at this together. "I think I need to get rid of these for you," I say, placing each of the files back into the box they'd dragged them out off and scaled the ladder in the attic, placing it behind at fake wall I never got rid of. We needed to clean this area as well. Man, I forgot that lady was even up here.

When I climbed back down (F/n) was back on the couch and blindly channel surfing. "I'm gonna clean the attic, okay?" I ask, grabbing a bin bag and plastic gloves from the draw. "Yeah, wish I could help but you're not gonna let me walk upstairs," I snicker. "Better believe I would,"

I step up, push the fake wall aside, and start picking up all the wrappers off of the floor. I take the bedding she had and threw that down the stairs and made a mental reminder to get a vacuum cleaner up here.

"God, how long was that psycho up there, we just moved in??" (F/n) exclaims as I drag a full bin down the stairs. It also had rotten food and dead mice in it. Thank god for the gloves. "I think the original owners moved out because of noises and their shit going missing, I suppose they thought it was a ghost," I shrugged. "Hah, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a ghost haunting this place, there's a time portal in the basement," I snicker. It really did sound absurd.

I dumb the bag in the outside bin and ditch my gloves in there as well. I grab the vacuum cleaner and (F/n) watches me struggle to drag it up the stairs with an amused grin. Once it get it up there I plug an extension cord into a socket in the wall close to the stairs and full it up with me. Before I could ACTUALLY vacuum the attic, I had to take out the fake wall and other boxes that'd been stored up there, so putting the case box up here before was stupid. I placed a heavy box I forgot the contents of onto of it to stop (F/n) going through it again and then started vacuuming.

It looked nice now. Inserting the fake wall again I placed all the boxes behind it. And now it looked like an empty attic. "I could set up my camera shit in here," I say, lifting up the heavy box from my case files. You mean the camera shit in THAT box?" (F/n) asks. I look at the box in my arms. "Yeah, I think I saw a power socket up there as well..."

I climb back up with the box. "I would, but it'd need like, a desk and shit as well," I shout. "Then we'll move the one from your room!" (F/n) shouts back. I groan, push the box to one side of the attic, and march into my room. "HOW THE FUCK ARE WE GOING TO GET A DESK UP THE STAIRS?" I ask.

"Hai, watashitachi wa Jackie-chan o, soredearu hijō ni yō kinkyū ni hitsuyō to suru," I hear from the other hall. I poke my head out as (F/n) continues to speak on the phone. "Sore wa taitei omoi mochiagaru koto, kanojodearu hachi-ji made ni iedearu," I blink blindly, not understanding a word. I didn't bother learning Japanese...

"Shinpai nashi, Smith-san, arigatō!" They hang up. "Jackie's on her way over to help," they explain, turning to me. I scoff. "Arigatō, bitch," I reply mockingly, ducking back into my room. "Arigatō means thank you, y'know," (F/n) calls. "I know! I picked that one up from anime!" (F/n) laughs from elsewhere in the flat while I sigh and shove the desk roughly. Thankfully I hadn't placed anything on it.

I managed to get it in the hallway by the time Jackie got here. Tan skin, green eyes, blonde hair, face full of freckles and brown cowboy hat placed on her head. "Howdy, y'all need some help with somethin'?" she asked. "How the fuck do you have a southern accent?" I ask. "Mom's side," she shrugged.

"Can you help us drag Red's desk into the attic?"


Hai, bonjour, Hello!

Sorry for my horrendous Japanese.

Manate, Au revior, Bye!


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