Chapter 25

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(Y/n) POV

(F/n) reacted pretty much the same as Elita and I waited until they got home to explain everything properly. Most of what happened the night before was repeated and Elita agreed to share a bed with Maya. They did seem to get along after she got over the difference of species.

And since I wasn't able to go through the portal all day, I went through after Elita and Maya went to bed. I saw Alex first, surprisingly, usually he was in his office.

"We missed you this morning, couldn't find you anywhere," Alex says. "Yeah... I was... out..." I replied slowly. "Why were you looking for me?" I ask. "Eliza had her baby-" I fucking forgot she was pregnant... "-and the rest of us named her Eliza," Alex finished. "Cool, sorry I wasn't there but I didn't feel well and was... around," I say. Alex chuckles lightly and pats my shoulder. "It's fine, Red, you've done so much for us already," I smile back warmly. "But Eliza does want you to meet her," I nod and walk into their room.

Maria was holding a small bundle of blankets in her arms, probably Eliza Jr, while Eliza slept in bed. John sat there reading a book with Maria lazily leaning against them. I knock gently on the door getting both John and Maria's attention. "Here," Maria says softly. "Liza wanted you to hold her,"

I walk over to them and take the sleeping infant from Maria's arms. "She's very pretty," I whisper, not wanting to wake Eliza and Junior. "She is..." Maria nods. I hand the baby back to Maria, who also immediately hands her to John. He stumbles with his book before taking Junior. Maria slides out of the bed and takes my hands, leading me out of the room.

"Mari?" I ask. She hugged me tightly in the privacy of the hallway and buried her face into my shoulder. "I want to thank you, for helping me with everything," She says. "You've changed my life and I love all of our kids so very, very much," she continues. "You've given me something I cannot repay and I am eternally grateful for that, I am forever in your debt," I chuckle and pull her out of the hug, holding her shoulders much like Alex had to me. "You don't owe me anything, I'm glad to be of help," she smiles through her tears. "Now, I think I can hear John struggling with Junior so my may want to get on that before Lizzie wakes up,"

"Thank you..." Maria says, rushing back to her bedroom to deal with the baby. I hum to myself. There was nothing I was supposed to do and the kids were all out, probably with Martha. I step out of the house and walk down the street. It was unusually peaceful.

I ended up merrily strolling through the market when I saw a familiar face. I approach him and place a hand on his shoulder. "Hey stranger," I greet.

James turns half abruptly and stares at me for a moment before it properly registering I wasn't a threat in his mind. "Hey, Red, how've you been?" He asked. I noticed he took a few heavy breaths. "I've been good, how about you?" I return. "Yeah, I've been good, everything's... good,"

I tilt my head. "Really, it doesn't sound like it," I say. James cringes, and coughs. "Yeah, I'm sure," I stare into his eyes and he groans in half annoyance. "You're not going to leave until I tell you, huh?" I shake my head and he groans again, this time rolling his eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me young man," I say sassily. "I would not call myself young but sure," James sighs, entwines his arm with mine and we walked off.

"So, I am to presume this is about your anxiety?" I ask. Man, this olden talk is getting to me. "It is awfully childish I let something so simple worry me," James sighs. "Don't say that, James, severe anxiety is not silly," I say defensively. "I personally know a few people with heightened anxiety and calling it silly makes them feel worse," James grimaces. "Yeah, okay mom," He says sarcastically. "I take that as a complement,"

"Hey, I've noticed Thomas isn't around, are you just in the markets alone?" I ask, changing the subject. James gave a relieved sigh. "He had work to attend to back in Monticello so I am here to supervise, that is why we needn't get to work today," I nod. "I was... not well this morning so perhaps it was for the best,"

"You were sick this morning?" James asked. "I just needed fresh air, I am feeling fine James," I assure at the worried look of his face. "If you insist, but you should be careful," I roll my eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say Jimmy-James,"

"Please do not do that,"

"Let your mother do as she pleases,"

"...I've created a monster,"

"BescUSE me?"

James and I continued our usual banter until we subconsciously ended up in front of Alex's house. "I suppose I shall see you tomorrow," James says. "Perhaps so," I replied smugly. "Good night, James," he nods at me. "Good night, Red,"

I go to turn around and squeak, jumping back as I notice John's presence. "The fuck??" I ask. "Who is that?" John asked, ignoring my outburst and staring after James as he obliviously walked away. "James Madison, I thought you'd have heard of him through Alex," I respond. John had an unreadable look on his face that I didn't like. John just nods and goes back inside.

I continued to stand on the porch, attempting to make sure what just happened wasn't an illusion. Shaking my head, I went inside only to be tackled by Philip. "AUNTY!" He yelled. "Um, hi?" he was holding the bullet wound I forgot I had... "I had a really weird dream where I saw you take a bullet for me," He says. I snort, "You think I wouldn't take a bullet for you?" he pales slightly.

"I'm sorry, Phil, I promise, it was just a dream..."

Yeah... A dream...

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