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(Y/n)'s POV

It's been a year.

Saiya (MaidXOX) and Maya (Nothuman) are two of my closest friends and they've had my back through the recovery. The were really supportive and laughed at the really crazy dream I had. It's funny how you. Don't question some things, huh?

We're all theatre geeks too, we're always blasting some musical song. Usually from Hamilton, Be More Chill, Dear Evan Hansen, Heathers, 21 Chump Street or Mean Girls. We've nicknamed each other off of those characters too, Maya was Regina George, Saiya was Heather McNamara and I was Naomi Rodriguez, again, pretty ironic compared to my dream, an ex-cop.

Oh, we're in our last year of college too! Saiya's a phycology major, Maya's a marine biology major and I'm a history major. I'm learning to be a teacher. I want to teach people about the founding fathers, the American revolution, and I want them to have fun doing so.

I usually place flowers on (F/n), Elita and Violet's graves to mourn them. Violet died of old age. Elita died of an illness and (F/n) was caught in a storm. She was driving and veered off of the road. I miss them, every day, but I live for them.

It was the last day of school for the first term. I was relaxing at home when I heard a weird noise from the laundry room. I grab the closest weapon, a bat ((F/n) likes to keep it around) and walked to the laundry room cautiously. I opened the door and got ready to swing the bat at whoever was there. I froze.

"John... Laurens...?"

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