Chapter 7

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(Y/n)'s POV

I ate with the King and Queen that night, and then retired to my room. I also noticed my clothes were in the closet so that's nice... I guess. I'm not quite sure if the portal is in my room somewhere and I'm just stupid or what but it's really starting to get to me.

"Lady Red?" I heard a soft voice ask, as an equally soft knock taps my door. "Yes?" I mutter, watching the pinkette push my door open. "Are you okay? Even the advisor's candle is out by now," Saiya says, her voice falls softly, I suppose no to wake anyone else in the castle. "Yes, I am fine," I reply. Just having a goddamn panic attack...

Her pearly gaze watches me for a moment, then recedes as she closes my door and walks away. I sigh, stand from my bed (is this really what comfort was in these times? My back is aching) and go over to the wardrobe once more. Hah, maybe it's like Narnia? Wouldn't that be ironic...

I climb through the wardrobe anyways. Not surprisingly, but disappointingly, it was just a wardrobe, not a magical portal. I groan. Stepping out of the wardrobe, I lean against the fireplace, because I guess houses have those because heaters don't exist? EH. I heard something click when I leant against it and I heard stones grinding against stones. I stood back I awe as the fireplace transformed into a passage way.

I blink.

I grab the candle off the table and follow the pathway. After a few turns I came to a dead end. Suspicious, I pressed around on the wall and found another lose brick. It causes the stone wall to open up into a garden. I step out and explore, watching the beautiful flowers from afar with my hands behind my back (it was a habit I'd picked up from shopping with (F/n)'s mom).

I saw a familiar red coat in the corner. Fuck. Fuck! FUck! FUCK! I ditched the candle and attempted to find a place to "hide" ... I pressed my back to the wall as he walked past and hid in the shadows as George watched over the flowers. It was odd, seeing him not surrounded by servants and advisors, even if it had only been a day.

"You can come out of hiding now, Red," He says, not taking his eyes of the orange lilies. I step out of the shadows, as requested, and instead stand a step or two behind the king, hands still firmly behind my back. George had one hand behind his back, the other was delicately prodding the petals of the .

"Do you know what this flower means?" He asked. I racked my brain trying to think. Orange lilies, orange lilies, orange lilies... "It represents hate, or a negative desire or passion, people would usually gift them to someone they don't like," George says before I could respond. "...Right..." I mutter. We fall silent.

"Sir, why am I alive? What purpose does it serve you?" I ask. He sighs. "My wife thinks you may have potential, I don't quite understand... but she's never steered me wrong before," I nod, regardless of if he could see.

"Why do you stick around, if we're asking each other questions," George asked. He started at a leisurely pace down the of flower beds. Out of respect, I followed. "I don't know my way home, I'd probably be re-captured, etcetera, etcetera," I mutter in response. He snorts, then attempted to hide his amusement as he stopped at another flower bed.

"Do you know what the represents?" he asked. "I look at the small yellow flowers. "Hope... it's the representation for the-'s the inspiration for something in my home..."

It's the representation of the French royal family...

George looks at me for a minute, as if about to ask something, but he reconsiders his question. "If you have no goal to go home, how did you get outside?" He asked, beginning to walk once more. I follow. "There was a secret passage in my room, I found it while... looking for something," he again gives me a suspicious glance.

"What were you looking for? Perhaps Saiya could've helped you find it?" I shake my head. "It's a hard... thing- to describe, and I doubt either you or her would believe me if I told you," he hums. "Is that so?" I nod "Very much, sire,"

We walk in silence. George stops at another patch of flowers. He asks another question.

"Do you know what the represents?"

I turn to the white flowers slowly. "Loyalty," I reply. "Precisely, where does yours lie?" I blink dully at the flower. "My loyalty does not lie within the Americas, nor does it the British, my faith, trust and loyalty belong to my friends, and my friends alone..."

George blinked, eyes watching me curiously. He closed his eyes turning back to the flowers and chuckled at me. "You are one odd woman you know?" He asked in an amused tone. "Oh, I know, but I actually don't identify as a woman," he looked at me again in absolute shock. "I- uh- eu- what?" he asked. "Am I a man? Or am I a woman? I don't know but damn, I'm cute," he stared at me for a full five minutes in shock. "B-but...!? S-she- h-he? P-n-?EH??" he made a weird distressed whale sound.

"If you could refer to me as 'they' 'them' instead of 'she' 'her' or 'he' 'him' that'd be great," he blinks and gives me a weird look. I walk over to another flowerbed occupied by . "Do you know what the Bittersweet Nightshade represents?" I ask him.

"It... it represents... truth," He seemed... astonished? Shocked didn't seem right. "Exactly, I'm being true to myself by going by what feels right, I'm listening to my heart, tell me, what does your heart tell you?" I look at him. He blinked at me in surprise.

Saiya got me up that morning, huh, I don't even remember coming back. Was last night a dream? I got dressed in one of those suffocatingly tight dresses and had breakfast with Charlotte and George.

Charlotte had decided to take me shopping, or something. We had gone to a tailor shop to get me more outfits, I guess? I don't know what Charlotte was trying to achieve with this. Something did catch my eyes though. It was an unfinished dress. "The skirt..." I murmured. The tailor looked at me. "Ah, the dress isn't quite finished yet, my wife designed it," he explains.

"Could you sow a skirt, similar to that? Just on its own?" I ask. "Just... the skirt?" He asks. Charlotte gives me a judging look. "Yeah, something I could wear a shirt with?" the confused tailor looks at the queen questionable. "Do it," She quipped. The tailor made five for me, all in dark blue or dark red.

"Do you really have to wear that, love? It's so... uncouth," Charlotte commented. I wore the man's shirt and cravat with the custom-made skirt. I could breathe now and my movements were more flowy. "Yes, your highness, I can actually breathe now," I retort. She blinks at me in an alarmed look. "All... right then..."

I'm not exactly sure what we did the rest of the day, walked around and talked mostly;

"So, Red... is that your real name?"


"...What is your real name?"

"Heh, that's funny,"

"...I... I beg your pardon?"


"What would you name your children?"

"Death and Destruction, works for both genders,"

"That's... sweet..."

Hahaha. Fucking with these people is so fun.

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