Chapter 16

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{Because I fucked up, Angelica is three years younger than Philip instead of two, okay? Cool!}

(Y/n)'s POV

I look between the three, their thoughts too loud to discern from one another, and they were also yelling too loudly at each other, all I could tell was panic. Thomas and Alex had been ruffling around my draws, and according to Thomas, James was supposed to distract me...

"BOYS!" I yell. The trio go silent, even their thoughts and I hear footsteps. Washington appears with a half concerned half confused look. "What is happening here...?" he asked. "It was Hamilton's idea!" Thomas says almost immediately. "WH- NO IT WAS NOT! IT WAS JEFFERSON'S IDEA!" Alexander yelled over him. James just averted his gaze.

"Quiet, both of you!" They fell silent at Washington's words. He looked at me, I shrugged, then we both turned to the weak link. James shuddered under our gaze and fidgeted nervously. "Mr Madison, you would be so kind as to tell us what the issue is here?" Washington grunted in false enthusiasm. It was scarier than his usual look.


"James, enough," I say. I must've used more authority than they thought I had because all for men stared at me. Or maybe it was my office they were ransacking and I hadn't yet said anything. "I do not keep my personal letters in my work draws, I do not speak to my "family" if you can call it that aside from Blue, and I do not take kindly to this sort of personal invasion," they were still and silent waiting for me to continue. "You boys have ten seconds to run,"

James was first out the door. Thomas and Alex were pushing past each other trying to knock the other off his feet as they passed me by. "...Are you actually going to chase them...?" Washington asked after a moment. "In a minuet, I gotta check somethin'," I take the necklace and hold the pendant up. "Is this glowing to you?" he nods. "I little,"

"Hmm... do you know what kind of rock it is? I want to know why the pendant glows," I say. "I do not, but I bet Martha could find it...?" I hum. "No, it's fine, I'm sure a friend can do it," I tuck the necklace under my shirt. "Now to beat those dumbasses, I know where they're hiding," Washington just nods. "Make sure they're alive for the meeting!" He calls as I bolt down the hall.

I slow as I make my way to the closet the boys had all cramped in. I could hear their thoughts now, and their voices since I was standing right outside the door. I was about to open it...

"Jefferson, why did you even think it would be a good idea to have their family visit?" Alex asked. "I don't know, Hamilton! Their story just... hurt to listen to and I wanted to help them! I didn't know they felt that way about their family," Thomas shot back. "They said their friend's family raised them... maybe they're just embarrassed? They may not have had the best family..." James says.

I open the door and the trio go stiff as they look at me. "Okay first off; Washington said I can't kill you so you can stop looking so scared," the boys sighed and relaxed slightly but they were still tensed. "And second; it's sweet you boys wanted to make me feel happier, but I consider my friends closer family then them, all I need is for you guys to stay the same,"

Thomas' eyes twinkled. "You think of us as family??" He asked in an uncharacteristically high voice. "Of course," Thomas practically launched me in a hug and I (somehow) managed to stay standing. When Thomas let go, Alex hugged me and James just smiled. "Were you actually going to kill us though?" James asked. "Not, but you would've been in a lot of pain,"

The boys tensed.




God, these boys. I chuckle to myself. "Now let's get to work boys,"

Work was fun. A few years passed. Frances was a great kid and got to calling Eliza mom and my Aunty, like Philip, and Eliza had a daughter they named after Angelica.

I was shopping back in the present for Philip's ninth birthday. "He's nine, Jesus, you don't need to go all out," (F/n) groans. They didn't go there much because work was getting longer and longer so I was spending what limited time I had with them on their break. "I know, I know..." I sigh. Their walky-talky crackled with some code by the precinct. "Aight, see ya," I sigh. "Ta-ta," they reply, walking off.

I continue walking around the shopping centre alone. I blindly wonder into a jewellery shop, honestly, I didn't even know what I was doing. "Ah, (Y/n), darling! Welcome!" the cashier beams happily.

She had purple curled hair and bright blue hair wearing the jewellery store's uniform. Rachelle was from a rich family and of course she worked in a high paying shop. "Hey, I'm just looking for a birthday gift for a friend's kid," I say. "How old is she?" Rachelle asks. "He's... nine...? Honestly, I'm just walking around now, but I want it to be something special..." I say. Rachelle hums. "Is this kid special to you?" She asks. "He does call me aunty... but so do his sisters,"

Rachelle hums. "Maybe a glass animal? Or windchime?" She asks. "Uh, show me something?" I ask. She smiles and leads me to a glass cabinet, it was a displaying glass animals and things you hang up that reflect light I don't know the name of.

"These are probably what you're looking for," Rachelle beams. I look over the items on display as she goes to help another customer. I grab something along with jewellery for the girls and Eliza. I pay ("A good choice if I say so myself!") and leave, going home and jumped through the portal. It was dark, must be night-time...

I checked the clock. 12:57pm...

I step into Philip and Angelica's room, sit gently on the side on his bed and shake him softly. Philip groaned, sitting up. "Aunty...? What're you doing?" He asked, rubbing his eye. I smile at him, light the candle in the bedside table and look back at him. "Happy birthday, Philip," I say softly, handing him the gift, I wrapped it in bubble wrap. His eyes widened as he pulled it apart ("What IS this...?") and he held up the glass windchime. "It's pretty..." He cooed. I smile. "You hang it up on your window sill and the wind makes a sing with it, the sun makes it colour your room," I say.

"Really!?" I nod. "Thanks Aunty! You're the best!" He hugs me. "No problem Philip,"

"Hey Aunty?"


"I love you!"

"...I love you too, Philip,"

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