Chapter 14

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{^^Important at the end^^}

(Y/n)'s POV

Jackie somehow single handily lifted the desk up the stairs, with only a few directions from myself in the attic. She placed in above the power socket and helped my set up my camera's and microphone. I used my laptop for these things so I could just move it.

Jackie hung around after that, she made apple pie! She was very good at baking. (F/n) cooked dinner for the three of us and we conversed the whole boring 'So how's your family?' small talk. As promised to her Grandma, Jackie left before too late and arrived home before eight. She sent us a text.

After she left I briefed (F/n) about the dinner with Thomas and what Philip had said to me. "That's... that's actually really creepy, having Philip mention Sally after discussing hr with Thomas... you don't think Alex had him spy on you... do you?" I snicker at the thought. "I don't think Eliza would've let Philip out of the house," I reply. (F/n) snickers too. "Yeah, I suppose that sounds awfully strange,"

The night blitzed past quickly and I was scrolling mindlessly on my phone at some ungodly hour when I heard a knock on the door. I look up confused and walked out of my room, going to the front door and opening it.

I saw a hooded, hunched over figure standing in front of my door. The hell?

"Can I help you?" I ask. "May I have a small portion of bread...?" she asked in an oddly familiar raspy voice. I blink. "C-come in, ma'am... I'm sure I can get you more than that... it seems like you need it," I let her in and help her to a seat at the table. I graze my fingers nervously under the table and accidentally press a button under the kitchen table before turning to her. Itt was probably nothing... "Is there something you're craving?" I ask. "Bread is fine," She croaks.

I make her a sandwich and two cups of tea. She seemed surprised, but said thank you and ate it. "You are very kind (Y/n) (L/n)," I nearly spilt the scolding hot drink on myself with how tense I went. "My apologies, ma'am, but how do you know my name...?" she chuckles softly under her breath. "Soon, child, not now, but soon," her hand appears from her cloak holding a box of some sort. Like a music box of jewellery box. "Take it, dear," her voice was so familiar...

I take the box hesitantly. "Think of it as a gift for the food, they were right, you truly are a kind soul..." I blink again. "W-who's they? W-who're you?" I stutter. "Not now, child, all will be revealed soon," I feel the warm smile in her words, but the air grew tense as I believe the smile disappeared. "But do remember to heed my warning..."

The lights flickered and she was gone. I look at the box in my hand. "Girl, what warning?" I murmur, placing the box in my bedroom. I would've placed it in the attic but like hell I'm going up there at this time of night. Then I check the security camera's, they did show the lady, and like she did before my eyes, her figure disappeared in the flicker of lights.

Next, I decided to check out that button I accidentally pressed. There were actually multiple where the table was but they were very thin (like those new iPhone buttons) so I'm not surprised we didn't notice them before. "Which one did I click on...?" I murmured to myself, sliding my fingers underneath again. I found it and look for some sort of label. I was greeted with B1. The others were B2, a crossed over B3, B4, A1, A2, A3, A4, NP, P1, P2, P3, NF, F1, F2, F3, ER1, ER2, ER3, ER4, ST, RA and SL. First of; these letters weren't even in order! Second; what the hell does any of this mean??

Curious, I clicked F1 and heard water gushing. I peek out the front window. There was a circular fountain in the front yard. Where did that even...? I press F2 and check again, it was now a taller, more elegant fountain, somehow. I guess F stood for fountain then.

More late-night testing and a few notebook pages satisfied me.

· B – Basement, there's four contraptions, #1 had boxes inside, I was yet to go through them, #2 was empty, #3 is inaccessible, #4 is the one with the portal.

· A – attic, there's also four contraptions, #1 also had boxes, I didn't bother with them, #2 was empty, #3 had a ton of old toys and I stayed away from the dolls in the glass container. #4 was the one with my camera stuff so I left that one open.

· P – pool, there's three contraptions and a "no pool" option. #1 is a large circular shaped pool, #2 is a Olympic sized pool somehow and #3 is an average family sized pool

· F – fountain, obviously. There's three of them. #1 looks casual like the fountains at the mall, #2 is a fancy one that rich people own and #3 was like a wishing fountain. It also had a "No Fountain" option.

· ER – Emergency Room, could also be called panic room, I suppose. I figured out that a small door in the kitchen like in Coraline lead to it. #1 you slid down a slide into a ball pit and it seemed to be a child based one, a few weapons for teens or if necessary for younger kids, food and other country currency, this was actually a re-occurring thing. #2 was more casual based with a ramp leading into a closet like area. If you crawl past the coats you find a store room, lacking the child safety, it was identical to the first. #3 lacked the closet but was otherwise identical to the second. #4 was like something right out out a spy movie, gadgets, listening devices, heat vision goggles etc.

· ST meant stairs, RA meant ramp and SL meant slide, simply put it was the way down into the basement. I am so leaving the slide there.

I yawned, but there was one more thing to inspect. I walk into my room and walk over to the box. I open the lid. A small ballerina twirled to a soft melody... actually I think I know the song... there was a inside as well, alongside a note. I picked it up...

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