Chapter 27

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(Y/n)'s POV

I woke up before Maya today and went through portal without much more thought. There was an election today and it was important I attend. Aaron against Thomas. This was going to be interesting.

I was waiting in the hall with Thomas and James on one side and Aaron on the other. Fuck knows where Alex was, I don't think he wanted to vote. He didn't like Thomas and he was having problems with Aaron.

The people in the stands were chanting lowly amongst themselves. I think I could hear "Jefferson or Burr" but I wasn't sure.

They were tied...

It's up to the delegates...

It's up to Alex...

The doors opened in giving Alexander a dramatic reveal. Huh. "Yo," he simply said to add to the attention. The bystanders "OH!"ed but Alex ignored them.

"The people are asking to hear my voice," He says, standing before the opposing men. I do believe James and Thomas had attempted to convince Alex to vote for him at one point but I wasn't sure. "For the country is making a difficult choice," I snicker. "And if you were to ask me who I'd promote?" Alex pointed and a gasp ripple through the crowd.

"Jefferson has my vote!"

Both Thomas and James, along with the company gasped.

"I have never agreed with Jefferson once!" Alexander admits. "We have fought on, like, seventy-five different fronts, but when all is said and all is done, Jefferson has beliefs," Alexander and Aaron made glaring eye contact. "Burr has none," The crowd "OH!"ed again, but louder than before.

"Well, I'll be damned, well, I'll be damned," Thomas and James somehow managed to mutter simultaneously. "Hamilton's on your side," James says to Thomas. "Well, I'll be damned, well, I'll be damned," the crowd echoed. "And?" Thomas asked. "You won in a landslide," James replied.

Alexander stood by me as Aaron approached Thomas and James. "You chose Thomas?" I ask. "Burr is a dangerous man," Alexander replies.

"Congrats on a race well-run," Burr says, holding a hand out to Thomas expecting him to shake it. "I did give you a fight," Thomas rolled his eyes. "Uh-huh," he groans. "I look forwards to our partnership," Aaron continued, still expecting a handshake I doubt he was getting. "Our partnership?" Thomas asked. {I fuckin wrote parentship XD} "As your vice president," Aaron added. Thomas scoffed with an amused grin. "Yeah- right," Aaron finally lowered his hand as Thomas turned to James. "You hear this guy? Openly campaigns against me, talking about "I look forward to our partnership"," Thomas chuckled. James faltered for a second, breaking eye contact with Aaron to look at Thomas. "It's crazy that the guy who comes in second becomes the vice-president," James says. There was a weird flick to his voice I didn't like.

James and Aaron were friends, hell, Aaron introduces James to his wife, Dolley. I guess he didn't like being pressured against him.

"Yeah, you know what? We can change that, you know why?" Thomas asked, probably rhetorically. "Why?" James asked anyways. "'Cause I'm the president, Hey, Burr, when you see Hamilton, thank him for the endorsement," Thomas turned to leave and James mouth "I'm sorry" to Aaron before following. Aaron gritted his teeth and left.

"Burr's pissed," Alexander comments. "I am not getting shot again," I mutter under my breath. "What?" Alex asked. "What?" I echo. Alex stares at me, unsure for a moment and then takes his leave. I manage to usher the dumbfound crowd members out of the white house.

As I open the door to the house I heard someone clear their throat and I turn to face the messenger. "A letter for Mr. Hamilton?" He holds it up. "I'll make sure he gets it," I say, taking the letter and walking inside. The letter was from Aaron. I guess it was quick because they lived close by?

I found Alexander in his study, as to be expected. "Alex, you've got a letter from Aaron," I say. He stops writing for a moment, then starts again. "Could you read it?" I roll my eyes, sure man, I'll read your damn letter.

"Dear Alexander,

I am slow to anger, but I toe the line as I reckon with the effects of your life on mine. I look back on where I failed and in every place I checked, the only common thread has been your disrespect. Now you call me "amoral," a "dangerous disgrace,". If you've got something to say, name a time and place, face to face...

I have the honour to be your obedient servant

Alexander stopped writing, pulled out a fresh piece of paper and scribbles a reply. I look over his shoulder as he writes.

Mr. Vice President,

I am not the reason no one trusts you. No one knows what you believe. I will not equivocate on my opinion, I have always worn it on my sleeve. Even if I said what you think I said, you would need to cite a more specific grievance. Here's an itemized list of thirty years of disagreements.

Alexander found literally a pile of papers and placed a few around his desk to add to the letter. Sweet Jesus.

Hey, I have not been shy. I am just a guy in the public eye, tryin' to do my best for our republic. I don't wanna fight, but I won't apologize for doing what's right!

I have the honour to be your obedient servant

He grabbed the papers and the letter. "Can you take these to Burr?" He asks. "Sure," I mutter. What else am I good for? "Thanks Red," he gives me a smile, then goes back to whatever he was doing.

I walk to Aarons house and knock on the door. Theo Jr opens it. "Hello Ms Red," she says. "Hey Theo, I have these letters for your father from Alexander," she nods and lets me inside. "He's in his room," she leads me to Aarons room and knocks on the door. "Father, Ms Red is here to see you," Theodosia says. Aaron opens the door.

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