Chapter 24

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(Y/n)'s POV

I yawned and woke up to light blinding me. The inconsistency of alarms was screwing with my sleeping schedule. I sat up and stretched, popping my spine. Last night hit me like a wave so I stepped out of my room and peered into Elita's.

Maya was curled up like a cat, her tattered clothes were in the laundry basket and she had the hoodie wrapped around her shoulders... for some reason. Her "tail" was wrapped around her and she seemed at peace.

I assumed (F/n) had already gone to work since it was quiet so I made two bowels of breakfast. While doing so, Maya came out, rubbing her eye like a child. "Morning," I greet. She froze mid-stride, perking up at my voice, but relaxing when she sat me. "Mįlkør- er- hello," she says.

Maya sniffed at the food I was making. "What is?" She asked. "Breakfast, we have it as a morning meal," I say. I place a bowl over to her and take a mouthful of my own. "Have some," she sniffs at the bowl, then takes the spoon and scoops some into her mouth. Her eyes almost turned to stars. "Lįs įch!" she exclaims, pretty much drinking from the bowl.

"Man, you were hungry, weren't you?" I murmur. Ignoring me, she finishes off then holds the bowl out again. "More, please!" she exclaims. I pour her another bowl and she speeds through it. Though, I was finished my bowl by then.

"Hey, I never asked your age," I say. "One hundred and fifty, ten year for us mean one year for you," she says, finishing off a fourth bowl. "So you're... fifteen in human ages, that's still pretty young," I comment. "What you in my years?" she asks. "Probably two hundred and two," I shrug. Maya hums with a nod.

"Come," I beckon. She follows me to the portal and I take her through. "This is the time my friend and I come to," I say. She doesn't have much time to examine her new clothes as I drag her through the house. It was dark out so I had to light a candle to show her the house. "If the people in this time found you, you'd probably be killed," I say, eager to take her back. "Creature," Maya says. I hum. "What?"

The creepy shadow thing replacing her tail grew larger to consume her body, then she looked exactly the same, but with natural coloured hair, eyes and skin plus a lack of markings and tail and her hears were rounded. "Whaaat?" I draw out. "Prey-like clan can change form to hide from predator," she shrugs. "The creature help and blend into flesh," I nod slowly.

"That's freaky, I love it, now let's get home before we're caught," I usher her back through and we stalk up the stairs again. "Once we're done there you can have it," I say. "Thank you, human (Y/n)," I smile. "That's the first time you've said my name," I comment. Maya nods.

My phone vibrated in my pocket, signalling I had a message which in turn made Maya hiss and jump like a cat. Her human façade broke and she went back to the lavender skinned... she never actually gave me her species name...

I pull my phone out of my pocket to check the message. "Calm down, Maya, it's just my phone, a device at humans use to communicate," I explain. I look at the message.

Posey: Can You Pick Elita Up?

Posey: She Wants To Go Home.

I snicker.

Me: y do u type like that?

Posey: Because I Do :)

I shake my head. "I gotta pick someone up, do you wanna stay here or some with?" I ask. "Stay," Maya responds. "Cool, be back in a couple'a minutes," I grab my keys and drive around to Posey's house. She lived in a small cottage on the edge of town. Because of course she did.

I walk up the drive way and knock on the door. A man with a goatee, extremely pale skin and greying black hair opens the door. He had crimson eyes and wore mismatched clothing. "Hello (Y/n)~ What brings you to this lovely abode?" He asks. "Posey wanted me to pick up Elita," I say. He made a "so-so" hum and let me inside.

"The little rats are helping Penny feed the animals," he says. "Can I offer you some tea?" I sigh. "Sure, why not?" he pours me a cup. "I thought she didn't like being called Penny?" I ask. "Yes, but when I met her brother I couldn't hold back," he says. I take a sip from the cup as he sits across from me and sips from his own cup.

"How is Zach anyway?" I ask. "Oh, the usual, he graduated and- with Jack-Jack's help, opened a barber shop, I doubt he's going to bother keeping it open," I raise an eyebrow. "Why did Jackie help?" I take another sip of my tea cup. "One of her little cousins is a hairdresser and helped him out,"

I nodded. "So, where did Elita come from? I'm pretty sure rats don't just pop out of the third dimension," he says. "Danny can you not call kids, rats? I seriously don't get your problem," I shake my head as he laughs at me. "Cause," he says. "Elita actually broke into the house, she wanted help but her family was into shady shit so it was the only way she could actually get it," I explain. "So, after her parents were arrested, Blue and I took her in," Danny snorts, falling into hysterical laughter. "You- haha- you two are so w-weird," He goes into a coughing fit. I just shake my head and drink my tea.

Posey comes back inside with the girls. "Oh, (Y/n), welcome" she says. Elita hugs me tightly and begins to rant about the things they did. She did seem a little tense though and I suppose it was since she wasn't used to such positive interactions.

We say bye to them all and leave. Elita say in the front passenger side with me. "You all good kid?" I ask. "Yeah, I'm just not used to... that," I snicker, well, you're going to have to get used to it for school, also we have another guest at the house so yeah, she's about four years older than you," Elita nods.

When we get inside Elita and Maya just stare at each other. "Human-"

"Is that a costume?" I facepalm behind her, Maya looks offended. "No! I can assure you, I am no outfit!" Maya snaps back. "So the ears- and skin- and tail are all real?" She asks slowly. Maya nods. "She's going to be staying here for a bit, okay?"

Elita blinks slowly. "O...kay..."

Ew, no actual plot. Sorry.

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