Chapter 12

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Alex decided he wanted me to go. Probably to see what information I could get out of Thomas, but I really didn't want to do that. Eliza and John just thought it'd be polite if I went. I decided to go because I can't say no to Eliza and John. I wore some fancy-dress Eliza had and walked there. Thank god wires don't exist in this time period because Alex probably would've made we wear one.

"I can't fucking breathe, holy shit I'm going to explode," I groan aloud, stepping up to the Jefferson house. I knock on the door and a maid opens it. "Are you Red (L/n)?" She asks. "Yes, I am," I reply. She nods and lets me inside. "Master Jefferson will be out in a minute, please wait here," nod barely nod before she disappears.

Just after the maid left, James walked in with an apologetic look. "Hello again, (L/n)-" I shake my head. "Call me Red," I cut in. He nods, then continues. "Thomas is extremely unprepared for this, and I think he is having a mental breakdown," James explains as Thomas wailed "JJJJAAAAAMMMMMMEEEEESSSSSS HHHHHEEEEELLLLLPPPPP MMMMEEEEE!!!" from presumably his bedroom. I snicker and James sighs. "I can wait," I say. James nods, "Thank you," And then he leaves.

I assume half an hour later, Thomas steps out with an exhausted looking James behind him. "I apologise for the wait, Red," He pauses, I guess waiting for me to correct him. "I simply had a... wardrobe malfunction, let's head out," Thomas takes my arm as we walk out. "I guess I'll just... stay here... then," James murmured.

"So where are we going Mr Charmer?" I ask smugly. "That would ruin the surprise, my dear," Thomas replied with a similar smug look. "Do you usually abandon your friends in your house?" I ask, referring to James. "He is fine, the servants know him and he can leave whenever," Thomas waved off. "Damn, he IS your DUFF," I snicker. "No! I do not use him! I love him in a platonic friend way... that... that is a thing... right?" Thomas looked distressed. "You're lucky platonic love is a thing, Tommy," he sighs. "Please do not call me that..." I snicker.

He takes me to some rich person restaurant, I guess to make a I'm-rich-so-respect-me statement. I didn't care, and he picked up on that quickly. We were seated at a table and the waiter took our orders. "So, Tommy-dear," he cursed, I guess he didn't like nicknames.

"You invited me here to figure out just what kind of person I am, as you don't understand me, correct?" I ask. "Yes, you promote things that most people would shame and you do it ignoring what others think," Thomas says. "I have supportive friends," I reply. Thomas nods. "But how did you... know what you preferred with your pronouns, I mean," I tilt my head at him. "I just went with what felt right, who cares about what others think," Thomas looks at me, his brown eyes stared intently at me. Was he trying to read my mind?

"You are very interesting, you know? I may just have to take your advice," I blink. "That wasn't... what?" I stutter stupidly. "My love, Martha, she was much like you are, she supported those close to her and ignored the criticism others gave her. She was amazing... I suppose you just reminded me of her..."

I smile, but I guess he could tell it was more of a -I-miss-someone-close-to-me-too smile. "When my parents died, my best friend's parents took me in, my friend had a younger sister who I sort of adopted as my sister, they were always just "my best friends' parents" to me, I never took to them as mom or dad. Anyways, the little sister, her name was Sally-" Thomas cringed. "She started to have bad dreams, sometimes she just wouldn't sleep and she was... just not herself anymore... one day, her mom sent her to go to the market with her uncle... neither came back... Sally was eight..."

Thomas stared at me in shock. "Blue doesn't like it when we talk about it... they took Sally's death really hard..." I shake head, willing my tears back. "Sorry, I haven't told that story to anyone before... it feels nice to get that off my chest..." Thomas shifts in his chair, and leans over to take my hand.

"When Martha died just months after Lucy was born I did not know what to do... I'd fainted in my library and most people did not think I'd survive, after her funeral I locked myself in for three weeks, I barely ate, I barely slept, I just... cried. After those weeks my sister and James managed to get me out but I did not do much, most of my kids had died as well so I guess that didn't help, only Patsy and Polly... I burned all the letters Martha and I sent each other is this is the first time I've talked about her... I guess we bring out the best of each other,"

"Oh my god, you can't just have a heartfelt moment and then use a pickup line Thomas!" I snapped playfully, we both laughed and he place his hand back on his side of the table. "But yeah, I know how that loneliness feels, Blue was really quiet and depressed after Sally died and they had a lot of pent up anger they let out on their room, it was scary," I shook my head.

"Anyways, that's enough of depressing talk," I mutter. Thomas nods. "How did you meet Alexander?" The waiter comes and places our food on the table. I talk after he leaves. "Blue and I were just strolling down the street when we ran into Lafayette and he took us to the bar where we met Alexander and the other boys," I explain. "Oh, you knew Lafayette? I knew him. I helped him draft the declaration of independence in France before I came back," Thomas replied.

Idle chatter filled our time at the restaurant as we ate. Thomas walked me home, because now it was dark and the stars were pretty and home wasn't too far away. I waved from the door as Thomas left then stepped inside. "How was it?" Eliza asked, looking up from the book she was reading. Philip was fast asleep on her lap, John and Alexander were nowhere to be seen. "It was okay," I shrug. "Mostly spoke of personal events, he asked about the whole 'neutral pronouns' thing and related me to his wife," I respond. Eliza nods.

"Could you put Philip to bed for me? I'm going to try and convince Alexander to go to bed," Eliza says. "Yeah sure," I respond, picking up the toddler and cradling him as Eliza stood and let to Alexanders study. "Mmm..." Philip stirred lightly as I carried him to his room. "Momma?" He asked. "It's aunty," I replied softy, laying him down in his bed.

"Oh... whewe's momma?" he asked sleepily. "She's talking to papa," I reply, running a hand through his hair as he sat up. "Aunty...?" He starts. "Yes Philip?" I ask. "Sally says hi..."

I think my heart stopped beating.

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