Chapter 11

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(Y/n) POV

Alexander became a lawyer. Because of course he did. So, did Aaron. I later learned Aaron got sick and had to go home during the war. And that he's married. And has a daughter about Philip's age. Jesus.

Sometimes I'd stand in Alexanders doorway and just watch him write. Eliza and John were concerned. "Why do you write like it's running out of style?" I'd heard Aaron ask. That was really weird. It's not like these people had fads or anything. Alexander had also gone to Aarons house for advice, I'm pretty sure he just got kicked out.

Angelica was married off to John Barker Church, a rich man, and moved to London, she sent regular letters and I sent a few her way as well. That reminds me, I've also been keeping my letters with George and Charlotte. Eliza and John tried getting Alexander to open up to them and spend more time with them but it seemed to backfire.

Alexander joins forces with myself, James Madison and John Jay to write a series of essays defending the new United States Constitution, entitled The Federalist Papers. The plan was to write a total of twenty-five essays, the work divided evenly among the three men and myself. In the end, we wrote ninety essays, in the span of six months. John Jay got sick after writing five. I wrote five. James Madison wrote twenty-nine. Alexander wrote the other fifty-one...

How does he write like that?

I'd been summoned to Washington -requested? He wanted to talk to us- alongside Alexander too. "They're asking me to lead," Washington had said. "I am doing the best I can to get the people that I need," he held his hand out to us. "I'm asking you to be my right-hand men," he nodded in respect and I already knew it was a figure of speech.

"Treasury or State?" Alexander had asked to deaf ears. "I know it's a lot to ask,"

"Treasury or State?" Alexander tried again. "To leave behind the world you know..."

"Sir, do you want us to run the treasury or state department?" Alex cut in. Washington blinked in surprise. "Treasury," he answered. "Let's go," Alexander replied smugly.

"Alexander!" John and I watched from the side as Eliza angrily approached Alex. "We have to leave," he replied. "Alexander!" She hissed. "Look around! Look around! At how lucky we are to be alive right now!" he exclaimed. "Helpless," Eliza murmured. "They are asking us to lead! "

"Look around! Isn't this enough!?"

Angelica's voice echoed in my head. "He will never be satisfied..." I shoved past Alex and started walking on my own. I didn't want to hear the argument. Alexander quickly caught up to me and we walked silently to the parliament.

"We're just waiting for the Secretary Estate," Washington explained as we stood in front of the door. "Alex groaned. "He's late," Alexander moaned like a child. "Jesus, you sound like a child," I hiss. "Excuse me?" Alexander shot back. "They have a point," Washington chuckled. Alexander made an offended sound but a carriage rolled up with James and who I assumed was the Secretary Estate, Thomas Jefferson.

"Mr Jefferson, welcome home," Washington greeted, shaking his hand. Thomas smiles, then his eyes meet Alexander's and there's already hate. "Mr Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton," Begrudgingly, the pair shook hands. Then Thomas looked at me. He whistled. I already hate this.

"Is this Mrs Hamilton?" he asked taking my hand and kissing it. "No, my wife is at home with the kids, this is my friend, Red (L/n)," Alexander introduces. "A pleasure to meet you, Mr Jefferson, and welcome home," Thomas seemed to study me curiously as we walked inside.

"They're the one I told you about," I hear James whisper to Thomas. "They prefer neutral pronouns but doesn't really seem to care about Miss or Sir so use either and they're not as one sided as Hamilton is," Thomas hummed and then we got ready for our... cabinet battle... why on earth is it called that?

"Ladies and gentlemen, you could have been anywhere in the world tonight, but you're here with us in New York City. Are you ready for a cabinet meeting? Huh? The issue on the table: Secretary (L/n) and Hamilton's plan to assume state debt and establish a national bank. Secretary Jefferson, you have the floor, sir,"

"'Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.' We fought for these ideals; we shouldn't settle for less. These are wise words, enterprising men quote 'em, don't act surprised, you guys, cuz I wrote 'em!" Thomas and James 'OOOOOW'ed like fucking teenagers.

"But Hamilton forgets; His plan would have the government assume state's debts, now, place your bets as to who that benefits... The very seat of government where Hamilton sits,"

"Not true!" Alex yelled.

"Ooh, if the shoe fits, wear it! If New York's in debt, why should Virginia bear it? Uh! Our debts are paid, I'm afraid, don't tax the South cuz we got it made in the shade. In Virginia, we plant seeds in the ground. We create. You just wanna move our money around! This financial plan is an outrageous demand and it's too many damn pages for any man to understand! Stand with me in the land of the free-" Thomas shot me a wink. "And pray to God we never see Hamilton's candidacy! Look, when Britain taxed our tea, we got frisky! Imagine what gon' happen when you try to tax our whisky~"

"Ew," I mutter. "I'll drink, sure, but nothing that strong," I mutter under my breath. Alex snorts and shoots Thomas a you-lose look. "Thank you, Secretary Jefferson. Secretary Hamilton, your response?" Washington asked. Like James, I didn't actually have to talk, so, cool, I guess.

"Thomas, that was a real nice declaration. Welcome to the present, we're running a real nation!" I shuffle uncomfortably under the desk and Washington shoots me a glance. "Would you like to join us, or stay mellow doin' whatever the hell it is you do in Monticello?" for some reason he yells that. Them Alex turns to Washington. "If we assume the debts, the union gets a new line of credit, a financial diuretic!" He turns back to Thomas. How do you not get it? If we're aggressive and competitive- The union gets a boost. You'd rather give it a sedative?" I snicker at that one.

"A civics lesson from a slaver. 'Hey neighbour!' Your debts are paid cuz you don't pay for labor! "We plant seeds in the South. We create." Yeah, keep ranting! We know who's really doing the planting," my turn to 'OOOOH' like a teen. "And another thing, Mr. Age of Enlightenment, don't lecture us about the war, you didn't fight in it,"

Did he seriously just...

"You think I'm frightened of you, man? We almost died in a trench while you were off getting high with the French!" Alex hissed. "Thomas Jefferson, always hesitant with the President, reticent -there isn't a plan he doesn't jettison- Madison, you're mad as a hatter, son, take your medicine," I jump up from my seat and slap a hand over his mouth. "Alexander sit down before you say something you regret!" I hissed. "No! they look worse than the national debt! Sittin' there useless as two shits!" he turns back to Thomas and James. "Hey, turn around, bend over, I'll show you where my shoe fits!"

"Excuse me!?" Washington cut in, making the four of us stiffen. "(L/n), Jefferson, Madison, take a walk! Hamilton, take a walk! We'll reconvene after a brief recess. Hamilton!"

Alex looked sheepishly at Washington. "Sir?" Washington glared into his soul. "A word?" The general walked into his office and Alexander gulped. "You don't have the votes," James says, striking with Washington's back turned. That's such a child's move. "You don't have the votes," both echoed, Thomas laughing obnoxiously in Alexander's face. "You're gonna need congressional approval and you don't have the votes!"

"Such a blunder, sometimes it makes me wonder why I even bring the thunder," Thomas says. "Why he even brings the thunder," James says. Alex leaves to Washington's office. "Congrats James, you became Thomas' DUFF," I mutter, knowing full well neither man knew what the fuck I was talking about.

"DUFF?" He echoed, raising an eyebrow. "The approachable one that people use to get information off of a superior, in this case Thomas, and is then disregarded and not treated like a person, you're Thomas' instrument, and he's playing you like a charm," James cringed and Thomas raised an eyebrow. "Is that how you see it? Hm, you have an interesting outlook, don't you?" Thomas thought to himself.

"I want to have dinner with you,"

I'm not sure who was more shocked, James or me...

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