Chapter 15

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{This takes place *somehow* after the valentines day chapter, okay? Cool}

(Y/n) POV

I shoot up from bed to the sweet smell of breakfast wafting through the house. I was confused, I don't remember going to bed... regardless, I step into the kitchen and eat breakfast with (F/n). "Hey, where'd you get that necklace? Did you go out last night?" they asked. I look down at the blue pendant. It was emitting a soft blue glow.

They wouldn't have gone out, they're too lazy...

"Pardon?" I ask, looking up abruptly at them. "I didn't say anything..." they reply. "God, I must've been up too late last night..." I groan. "What where you even doing?" they ask. "I found these weird buttons under the kitchen counter, so I was experimenting with them," I say. They dead pan me.

That was stupid, things must've turned out fine if the house is still intact...

I ignore that. I made notes of what each of the buttons did as well," I say, noting that they were looking under the counter. "Oh yeah... I see them..." (F/n) says. So they were telling the truth... "What do they do?"

"B means basement, A means attic, don't ask why it's not alphabetical, I don't know, f is fountain-"

"Oh, I noticed that,"

We both look at the fountain in our front yard through the open living room window. "P is pool and the others are options to get into the basement," I finish.

What the fuck is up with this house? OWWW!

"You okay?" I ask, perking up at the sound of pain. (F/n) gives me a weird look. The wound hurts a little still, how did you know?" they ask. "I've been hearing this voice all morning, your voice but not from you," I look back down at the necklace. "OH! That reminds me!" I turn the tv to the kitchen table so they could see and go to the setting that connected it with the security cameras.

I showed them the footage of the lady I let in ("WHY WOULD YOU EVEN-!?!?") and the jewellery/music box and note. "Hell, I don't even remember going to sleep, just reading this then waking up," I say. "Creepy..."

Literally what the fuck?

I look at the note. "Hidden truth...?" I mutter. "They wouldn't have gone out, they're too lazy... That was stupid, things must've turned out fine if the house is still intact... What the fuck is up with this house? OWWW! Literally what the fuck?" oh. OH! I get it! The necklace makes me physic! I can hear people's thoughts!

"'ny ways, I'm gonna head to Alex's, you still thin you're good to come back?" I ask. "I did the before didn't I?" they ask. I'm fine jackass, "Wow, rude," I mutter. They blink. The hell? "I'm like ninety percent sure this necklace as physic powers,"

(F/n) groans. "I'm really starting to hate magic..."

We step through the portal and out of my room. "Good morning, Red, Blue," Eliza says. "Morning Lizzy," I greet. "Morning," (F/n) nods. Eliza perked up, as if remembering some think and beamed excitedly at us. "We're having a new addition to the family! Isn't that exiting?" (F/n) blinked. "Are you pregnant?" They asked. Eliza laughed. "No, no, John's daughter Frances is coming over, she's six years older than Philip though, I hope they get along well,"

On que, a small Philip runs into the room, clinging to my waist. "Aunty Red! Aunty Red!" He squeals. "Yes Philip?" I ask, bending down to his height as (F/n) watches. "I made a friend yesterday! Her name's Sally!" He held up a picture of himself and a little girl in a pink dress. "Isn't it sweet? He has an imaginary friend!" Eliza beams. I swallow the lump in my throat and (F/n) looks between the three of us nervously.

"It's very... uh, v-very sweet, why don't you go play Philip," He beams at me and runs of, (F/n) leaves as well, going back to my room, presumably home. Did I say something wrong? I l give Eliza a soft look as she looks where (F/n) had been standing. "Liz, when Blue and I were younger we had a little sister... we think her spirit is Philip's "imaginary" friend," Eliza looked at me with wide eyes.

"Oh, I see, so Sally must be a sensitive subject for your both..." I nod. "...Well... if you don't mind me asking... how did she die?" Eliza asks hesitantly, almost instantly going on a rant about how I didn't have to if I didn't want to. "She was murdered," I say, silencing Eliza almost immediately. Eliza looked shocked. "Sally was eight, Blue and I were preteen aged ish and our uncle murdered her..." Eliza gave me a pitiful look. "I'm so very sorry about this..." she says.

I smile at her. "If Philip befriends her spirit, we might not have lost her completely, Sally will forever live on in our hearts," Eliza smiles. "Oh, and you have work," She add. Maybe I should've said that earlier...?

I ran out of the building and to the office where I came in just before I would've been considered late. "Are you okay, Red?" I hear a voice ask. "'m fine, James, just... just can't breathe," I heave heavily and in long breaths before standing up and facing him. "Did you run all the way here?" He asked. "I... may have slept in... and got stuck talking to Eliza, but I'm fine, everything's... peachy," I heave again and he gives me a worried look.

Sickness could kill people in this time, right? Yeah.

"Here, I'll help you," He takes my arm like Thomas had done on our night out and led me to my office. "Thank you, James, but I promise you, I'm fine," I say. "You can never be too careful," he replies. "Aww, you care about me~" I say in a mocking tone. He blushed and avoided eye contact. "Oh, by the way, were you okay with Thomas just, leaving you the other night?" James seems off put the question. "Yeah, of course, it's fine... he does it all the time..."

James' poster falters, slumping over like an anxious teen usually did to stay hidden in a crowd. "Are you sure?" I ask.

No. But I can't just TELL you I have heightened anxiety and that all I want to do all day is curl into a ball and cry myself into darkness and that I have a bit of a separation anxiety and I'm scared of dying because I'm sick and I don't want my friend to die, YOU'RE TOO YOUNG!


I blink. "So, you're just... scared?" I ask. He froze and looked at me shocked. "Aaron said I'm a good judge of character," I explain simply as me probably tried to figure out what the hell the just happened. "I... I suppose I am..." He mumbled. I chuckle and nudge him. "It's okay to be scared, Jay-Jay -yes, that is your new nickname, I promise I won't use during a meeting- everyone gets scared, I spent most of my youth scared of my friend's intermediate family, y'know,"

James snickered softly. "Why were you scared of them?" he asked. Looks like I'm telling this story again...

I tell him my background story, as I had Thomas and he watches me with a shocked look. We'd stopped in the middle of the hallway too, thank god no one was around. "Oh... I'm so sorry," James says, walking me to my office again, though he was holding my hand comfortingly, like Thomas had, instead of my arm. God, I swear they were the same person.

We entered my office and froze. "Alex...? Thomas...?"


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