Chapter 18

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(Y/n)'s POV

When Eliza and John returned all went well, Maria kept to herself, as expected Angelica (6) and Susan (6) got along, Frances (15) was ecstatic to have another girl in the house whereas Philip (9), though happy to have a friend, didn't like having another girl. He wanted a baby brother after all.

This was fine.

Alex and I went to work, John found a job, Eliza and Maria bonded at home, (F/n) had gotten even longer hours at work.

"I feel weird..." Eliza says to me. I look at her, she's curled up and resting her head on the arm of the couch thing. "Weird how?" I ask, I doubted she was sick. "It's sort of like... how I feel around John or Alex... but it happens when Mari's with me as well," Mari, the nickname we gave Maria. Eliza had a hand on her heart and her cheeks flushed red. "I think that's love," I reply. "But the boys-!"

"-will listen to you if you talk to them, relationships are built on communication, Liz," I cut in. Eliza looks at me with wide eyes. "Yes... I- I suppose that makes sense, thank you," I turn her to reply, but she was already gone. Maria had been talking to Alex about something in his office and John was probably with the kids.

Later, John approached me with a mission; take the kids out. I groaned internally but I did understand the relevance of this so I took the four children to Aaron's house. Theo junior, around Philip's age, got along with them quickly though Aaron and Theodosia were slightly off guard when I stopped by.

"I had to get the kids out of the house for a bit," I explained. "Why?" Frances asked cutting over what I assumed was the exact same response from Aaron. "The adults are working somethings out," I reply sassily. "Are you calling yourself a child?" Frances asks. "Obviously," I say, not breaking eye contact with her. She blinks in surprise before snickering and leaving to go hangout with the younger kids.

"You're so good with children, where's the fifth one from?" Aaron asked. "Her mother's name is Maria, speaking of which, I actually need a favour," I say. "Of course," Aaron replies. "I need your help getting Maria divorced of her husband with full custody of Susan, her daughter," I say. "Shit, why a divorce?" Aaron asked. "Domestic abuse mostly," I shrug. Aaron was speechless. "Yeah, of course I'll help her," I hug him. "You're the best, seriously I owe you one," Aaron chuckles. "I'll hold you down on that," He replies as I pull back.

"It's nice of you to visit, Aaron has told me much about you," Theodosia says softly, coming out with a tray. Resting atop was a teapot and cups of tea. I give a small 'thank you' as she places a cup in front of me. "Yes, Aaron's told me much of you as well, he adores you very much," Aaron goes red as his wife giggles. "I am aware," she says, taking her own seat.

"So, you knew Aaron during the war?" She asks. "Yes, we did fight together, though, on the night of Alexander Hamilton's wedding I was abducted by British soldiers," Theodosia nods. "Aaron wrote to me about it, he was very concerned, he believed it was his fault in some way," Aaron goes even more red. "I thought so, most of the boys did, especially since it was Alexander's wedding,"

"I am right here," Aaron cuts in. "And...?" I ask, rising an eyebrow. He blinks in surprise. "You're talking about like I'm not here!" he counters. "Women talk a lot and I am biologically a woman, so shush and listen," Theodosia giggles.

"Momma!" Theo jr an up to her mother and crawled into her lap. Susan giggled and followed Theo's lead, climbing into my lap. Angelica did the same so I had two little girls sitting on my knees. "Can we listen?" Theo asked. "You're right, women do like to talk," Aaron groaned, standing up and disappearing. "Daddy doesn't talk much," Theo says. "It's his motto, 'talk less, smile more'," I chuckles and lean across the table best I could to ruffle her hair. "It sure is,"

I dragged the five kids home with Frances and Philip's help. It was late so we had dinner and then I helped Eliza and Maria tuck their kids to bed.

"So, how'd that talk go?" I ask. Alex and John froze, looking at me confused and shocked while Eliza smiled and Maria shuffled behind her with her cheeks going red. "Yeah, we spoke," Eliza confirms. "They knew?" Alex asked. "Yeah, they're the reason I actually started the conversation... I was just following their advice," I nod slowly. "AAANNNNNDDDDD...?" I draw out. "We're all together, we're just going slowly, but yeah," I smile. "Follow your hearts,"

The quartet smiled at me. "Yes... my heart... it tells me this is the right path..." Maria says softly, holding a hand over her heart. "Good for you," I pat her shoulder. "Now, I'm gonna get to bed, good night,"

"Good night," the four chorused back as I go to my room and pass through the portal. It was bright outside...

I dragged my feet up the attic stairs and pulled back the fake wall. I picked up the box with my case files and spread them out across my desk. On the back of the wall, I pinned up the photos of each teen and a list of their victims underneath. I sighed, looking at the board from where I stood. As far as I was concerned only Jane and Jeff were connected; perhaps their names were a coincidence?

Another possible connection was James Shulman and Mary Glasgow, children who had apparently had clown like imaginary friends. James was dead so his story was told by his mother, okay yes, she was decreed insane and is in an institution but whatever. The only reason I doubt this is because of Mary's story. Both her and her parents were dead, the story was left on a sticky note my someone named Jill who considered herself 'made just for Mary'.

God... Why did it have to be clowns? The music box I'd also dragged up here was glowing faint blue. The necklace inside was basically yearning to be worn. I didn't like hearing other people's thoughts, plus it seemed sort of dangerous, hell, I didn't know where the damn thing came from!

I sigh. This was going to be a long day...

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