The Calm Before the Storm

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(Y/n)'s POV

I handed the letters to Aaron as Theodosia left and leaned against the doorframe as he discarded the papers with arguments and read the actual letter. "Sweet Jesus, these are every argument we've ever had," Aaron groaned. "I know, I watched Alex write the reply," I snicker.

Careful how you proceed, good man
Intemperate indeed, good man
Answer for the accusations I lay at your feet or
Prepare to bleed, good man

I went back and forth between the boys with letters. It was tiring.

Burr, your grievance is legitimate
I stand by what I said, every bit of it
You stand only for yourself
It's what you do
I can't apologize because it's true

I really didn't bother with the obvious duel being agreed on.

Then stand, Alexander
Weehawken. Dawn
Guns. Drawn

You're on

Alexander was writing a letter into the dawn, probably ready to go for the duel. I chewed on my cheek as Eliza lit a candle and walked into Alex's office.

"Alexander, come back to sleep," She sings softly. "I have an early meeting out of town," Alexander replied in excuse. "It's still dark outside," Eliza says. "I know, I just have to write something down," HAHAHA HE'S GONNA DIE... "Why do you write like you're running out of time?"


"Come back to bed. That would be enough,"

"I'll be back before you know I'm gone,"

"Come back to sleep,"

"This meeting's at dawn,"

"Well, I'm going back to sleep,"

"Hey. Best of wives and best of women,"







































last thought...

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