Chapter 10

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(Y/n) POV

"Fuck! We need to get you to a hospital!" I exclaim, announcing my presence. They flinched and scowled at me. "We can't go to the fucking hospital! I GOT SHOT! How am I supposed to explain that!?" they yell. "WELL WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO!?" (F/n) yelled a response and I just sort of panic screamed.

I brain kicked me in my stupidity.

I grabbed my phone and dialled her number. "Who're you calling?" (F/n) asked. I shushed them as she picked up. "Hey! Posey! Uhm, you trained in medical help- right?" I ask. "Y-yes...? Is there something wrong...?" she asked in her soft voice. "Y-yeah, but you'll have to get here... it's hard to explain..." I reply. "O-okay, I'm coming, uhm, j-just add pressure to the wound, okay?" she asks. "Yep, okay," I hang up and look at the wound for a minute.

I grabbed a cloth we could get rid of and pressed it to the shot wound. "We're going to need a new couch," I joke. "N-no fucking shit," they commented. Posey got here quickly and I let her in.

Posey had blonde hair dyed pastel pink on the tips and bright turquoise eyes. She wore a light-yellow sundress, her usual attire, and a white lab coat. Or doctors coat. Whatever. Her large eyes saw (F/n) lying on the couch with a bullet wound. She looked confused, but pulled out her first aid kit and placed sterilised gloves on.

Not being completely stupid, I grabbed a bottle of alcohol and handed to her. Posey used it to clean the wound then she used a small knife to made the wound bigger. Using a pair of tweezes, she pulled the bullet out of (F/n) waist. She grabbed a needle and thread and stitched the wound up then wrapped a bandage around her hips. "You need to be careful while it heals and you will have a scar," Posey says, pulling her gloves off and throwing the bloody things in the bin. She packed up her medical things and washed the ones covered in blood.

We both helped them to the kitchen table then Posey in another chair while I made tea. "So, what happened?" Posey asked. "We uhm... in our basement there's a... rift and we went to... war," Posey was one of the most understanding beings I've ever met and she only gave a confused look. "I'll show you after..." I say, pouring the boiling water into the tea cup and placing it on the table.

We made small talk as we drank tea together. Once we were done, I showed Posey the basement door and then the door underneath. I pulled her through with me and we ended up in the house wearing the 1700's clothes. Her wearing the proper dress and me wearing the custom-made outfit. "W-where...?" She asked. I just smile at her. "This is my room,"

I went to go back home but the door opened and Eliza stepped in. "Oh, Red! Um, hello...?" Eliza looked at Posey confused. "This is my friend Posey, she's a nurse," I explain. Eliza nods. "It's nice to meet you, Posey," Eliza walked up to me. "Are you sure you're okay? After that letter about Blue?" She asked. Posey looked between us confused. "Yes, I am fine," I reply. Eliza nodded and handed the letter back to me then left.

"That's Elizabeth Hamilton," I explain. I then hand the letter over to Posey. "On Tuesday the twenty seventh, Blue (L/n) was shot saving Lieutenant Cornél John Laurens from death in a gun fight against British troops in South Carolina, these troops had not yet received word from Yorktown at the war was over, no information is known to the whereabouts of their body but they are presumed dead, Lieutenant Cornél Laurens sends his gratitude and regards,"

Posey re-read the note in her head. "Oh, my lord..." she murmured. "Yep, now let's get back home," I place the letter on my bedside table and helped Posey through the closet. I helped her up the ramp and she blinked at (F/n) as they lazily turned their head to us still in the chair at the table. "Wow..."

Posey wrote a letter for me then left and I made dinner that night, serving us both and helping (F/n) to the couch for a movie. The next day I went back with the letter and approached Eliza. "Posey sent this to me," I say, handing the note to her. She reads it out loud.

"My friend, (Y/n)," Eliza giggles. "Is that your real name?" She asked. "Yep," I nod.

"Local soldiers found (F/n) Williams-" Eliza stopped. "They have a different last name to you?" she asked. "Their mother was my godmother and took me in after my parents died," she nods then continues.

"-in the South Carolinian fields and they requested my medical services, they'll be staying here until their wound heals. Lot's of love, P. Shy,"

"So, Blue is fine?" Eliza asked. I nod. "They're going to be okay," I confirm. Alexander walked in through the front door with John behind him. "About Blue-" John started. "They've been found and treated for," Eliza cuts him off. John blinks at her, the letter in her hands.

She hands it to John and Alexander reads it over his shoulder. "Who's P-Shy?" Alexander asked. "My friend, her name is Penelope but we call her Posey," I explained. "She's a nurse," John sighs deeply, "At least Blue is okay..." I smile. But was taken back when John hugged me. He was leaning down an uncomfortable rate to have his face in my chest. "I'm sorry mom..." he muttered.

I snicker and hug him back. "You didn't do anything wrong, Johnny," I reply. He sniffled and attempted to hide his face in the crook of my neck as Eliza and Alexander laughed at him. "Love," Eliza mutters, tugging at John's arm to get him off me. John pulled back and held Eliza's hand. "Oh!" Alex perked up, catching our attention. "You've got to meet Philip!" Alex says, running off. He came back holding toddler Philip from under his arms. He looked like a tiny John with his hair out.

I snicker to myself as Philip looked around curiously as his father and his parents third lover fanboyed about little Philip. Eliza rested her head on my shoulder and she held that proud-loving-mother look on her face. "Ma! Ma!" Philip beamed happily. John and Alexander kissed either side of Philip's face, little toddler Philip didn't seem to understand how other people would react to two men dating. Two men and a girl seemed weird as well.

Well, in this time period after a while.

This was a cute little family.

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