Chapter 17

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(Y/n) POV

Eliza and John had to drag Alex out of his office. "He has something he'd like to say," I heard Eliza say, holding one of Alex's arms, John on the other. "You ready Philip?" I ask. He grips the page in his hands tightly to stop it from shaking in his grip "Yes,"

I held Angelica in my arms and followed Philip up to his parents. "Philip, take it away," John beams. "Daddy, daddy look!" Philip seemed to iron out Alexanders attention. "My name is Philip, I am a poet," He used to mix that line up before, so far so good. "I wrote this poem just to show it!" I beam at him. "And I just turned nine, you can write rhymes but you can't write mine!"

"WHAT!?" Alex called, edging him on, it seemed to work. "I practise French, play piano with my mother!" Angelica huffs. "I speak French too, nana-Martha takes me to dance lessons too!" she says. "It's Philip's birthday," I whisper to her. "Uh-huh!" Alexander edges. "I have a sister but I want a little brother!"

Alex chuckles and the trio of adults share a nervous look. "Okay!?"

"My daddy's starting America's bank!" man, the 1700's people teach their kids weird shit. "un, deux, trios, quatre, cinq!" Philip finish's strongly. "BRAVO!" Alex pulls Philip into a hug, then ruffles his hair as he goes up to John. Eliza pulls Alexander aside.

"Take a break," Eliza sings. "Hey, our kid is pretty great," what kind of- "Run away with us for the summer, let's go upstate!" Alexander looks shocked. "Eliza I've got so much on my plate,"

"We can all go stay with my father," How do you explain John? "There's a lake I know-"

"I know,"

"In a nearby park"

"I'd love to go..."

"We can go when the night gets dark..." OH MY GOD

"I will try to get away,"

That seemed to be the end of the conversation as Alex went back to work and Eliza came with the rest of us so celebrate. I knock at the door got my attention. I place Angelica down who ran off to bother Philip, as siblings do, and opened the door. "A letter for Alexander Hamilton?" The mailman asked. "Yes, I'll give it to him," I say, taking the letter. It was signed Angelica Church. They really were a cute couple. I'm glad she was able to move on from Alex.

I knock on Alexander's office door. "Betsey, dearest, I said it would think about it," Alex says automatically. "You've got a letter from Mrs Angelica Church," I announce, blocking Alex's vision of his work with the letter. "Oh... thank you, Red," He says.

I leave as he reads it.

A few days later...

"Alexander come downstairs, Angelica's arriving today!" Eliza calls from the stairs. A knock on the door alerts me and I stand, opening the door for the eldest Schuyler sister. "Hello Red," She greets. "Hello," I reply, allowing her entrance.

"ANGELICA!" Eliza beams loudly, jumping into her sister's arms. "Eliza," Angelica sings back. These guys really liked to sing... "The Schuyler sisters," John and Alexander sing together from the foot of the stairs. "Alexander," Angelica hugs him. "Hi," this repeats with John. "It's good to see you both,"

"Angelica, tell this man John Adams spends the summer with his family," John says, thrusting his thumb in Alexanders direction. "Angelica tell our family John Adams doesn't have a real job anyway," Alex replies. The mood dropped drastically. "You're not joining us? Wait-"

"I'm afraid I cannot join you upstate," Alexander cuts her off. "Alexander, I came all this way,"

"She came all this way,"

"All this way..."

"TAKE A BREAK," Alex flinched as the trio screamed love and affection in his face. Philip and little Angelica clung to their mother's dress attempting to help them convince their father. Alexander pushed them away. "I have to get this plan to congress, can't stop 'till I get this plan to congress," Alex disappears to his office once more. John hugs Eliza close and Angelica cocks an eyebrow. "Don't question it," I whisper to her. "The kids don't,"

They leave to visit Philip Schuyler leaving me and a tired as all hell Alexander. I was already red up with his shit attitude. Now that I actually had to cook for him. He didn't force me to, but I did because he'd probably die of starvation if I didn't. Someone knocked on the door.

Alex curiously LEAVES HIS OFFICE WHAT and watches as I open the door. "Hello?" wait I remember this... the Reynolds pamphlet... ah shit, I have to stop an affair now... Are you okay ma'am?" Alex asks, walking up beside me. He hesitated. "I know you are a man of honour... I'm so sorry to bother you at home,"

I shake my head. "Not a bother if Alexander's not at his desk anymore, it's more of a favour," Alexander elbows me, the lady, Maria, flinches, probably memory of abuse. I'm gonna have to help her get divorced shiiiiiittttttt... "...but... I don't know where to go... and I came here all alone... my husband's been doing me wrong, beating me-" she flicks her hair out of her eye showing heavy swelling and bruising. "- cheating me, mistreating me... suddenly he's up and gone, I don't have the means to go on,"

"We could-"

"Why don't you come inside Miss? Maybe we can help you?" I offer. Alexander glares at me for cutting him off, but I ignore it and let Maria in. they both sit on the couch and I make tea for the three of us.

"You know, it really sounds like you should divorce your husband," I start. She takes a sip from her cup. "I'm sorry... but what is your name...?" She asks. "Call me Red, this is Alexander, and you are...?" she hesitates. "Maria Reynolds..."

I nod. "So, are you trying to get away from your husband?" I ask. "...his name his James..."

"He doesn't deserve a name," Alex snickers and Maria gives me a shocked look but she does have to supress the urge to giggle. "If you need help divorcing him, I do know a good lawyer," Alexander says. "Aaron Burr?" I ask. "Aaron Burr," He confirms, taking a mouthful of tea.

"Are you okay?" I ask. "I can't feel my tongue,"

I turn back to Maria. She looks nervous. "...but where would Susan and I go?" I blink. "Is Susan your daughter?" Maria nods. "She's six..."

"Well, I suppose you could stay here, if you want..." Alexander says. "I'm busy working and Red just does whatever they want so you and Susan won't be bothered, plus your daughter is Angelica's age so when my wife and kids get back I'm sure they'd get along..."

Maria's eyes glittered. "Really?" She asks. "Of course," I say. Her hand goes to her mouth and she lowers her head. She was silently crying. I sit beside her and rub her back. "It's okay dear, let it out," I sooth.

She had Susan move in the day after, we had her stay in Frances' room for now. we also brought in the bed, Alex and I carried it, from their house to ours (it was a block) and set it up there. I also sent a letter to Eliza explaining the situation so she wouldn't be surprised.

Looks like things will be okay...

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