Chapter 8

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(Y/n)'s POV

After our time in town, Charlotte took me to the garden, though she didn't seem happy. "Are you okay your highness?" I asked her. "These flowers... My husband loves them saying nonsense about meaning and representation... I do not see his excitement for mere plants,"

"You don't think they're pretty?" I ask. "Not really... I prefer visual art," She explains. I hum. "I think both are pretty, though, I've never been motivated enough to keep a garden alive..." I snicker to myself. Charlotte's hair fluttered gently in the breeze adding mystery to the solemn look on her face. I felt the situation turn unusually serious...

"Red, what do you know about this world? You seem unusually educated about everything women don't usually know of here, you speak different to us..." Charlotte says, trailing off slowly. "What are you implying?" I ask her. Her eyes meet mine and she looked into my soul.

A maid I hadn't seen grabbed my arm and a couple of different guards pointed their weapons at me like I'd just threatened them. "Are you a witch?" Charlotte asked, drawing my attention once more. I snicker. "What would make you think that?" I ask. I felt scared but I was laughing it off. I did this a lot, actually. Laugh nervously when I'm unsure or scared or something.

"You do not speak like us, you do not dress like us, you do not act like us," Charlotte listed. "And you immediately assume I'm a witch?" I snicker again. "I have not once uttered some sort of 'curse' or 'enchantment'... you can't prove shit," I comment. Charlotte blinked and faltered slightly. The maid glanced between the queen and me. "S-so then... what are you?" Charlotte asked.

I shrugged. "A human? A deity? I'm not sure, I don't care," Charlotte considers this. "Okay, if you're suck a deity, how do I die?" UM. I think for a moment. "Pneumonia... you die at your eldest son's side of pneumonia at age seventy-four, the king dies fourteen months after," that's what history said... right? "How does George die?" she asks. "A disease not yet known, later labelled porphyria, he dies at eighty-two. He was also labelled Mad King George... I think it's easy to tell why..." THAT I remember from history class.

Charlotte considers me. Then she smirks. "So, what you're saying is, you can see into the future? You KNOW that the Americans will win the war... how?" I stare at her in silence for a minute. "Strategy," I reply with a smug grin. Charlotte huffs angrily. "What? I'm not going to let you alter history more than it already has," I say. She sighs. "Fair enough, leave her be Margret," the maid nods and lets my arm go.

Charlotte seemed giddy as she entered the castle once more, and held back skips of excitement as she approached George's throne. He looked at her in surprise and his eyes drifted towards me as if to silently ask 'What did you do to her?' I just shrugged at him in response.

Charlotte and George whispered amongst each other. I assume she's recounting what just happened in the garden because George was looking at me suspiciously. "A fortune teller?" I heard George ask. "No no! She's like a goddess!" Charlotte hissed back, attempting to get George to keep his voice down. As the couple spoke amongst each other, movement caught my attention.

I turned and the guard moving went still, trying to blend into the wall. I recognise him and shake my head with a silent snicker. He was confused, and hadn't moved when I looked back at him. I move my head to the open-door hall and gesture to him to move. He nods slowly, confused but manages to get out of the throne room before George and Charlotte turn back to me.

"We will... keep you around, as long as you help us with your... ability, Charlotte informs me you have no intention to permanently affect the history of our countries so... we will not ask you to compromise the American revolution, agreed?" George walked up to me and held out a hand. I look at him then shake his hand. "Sure, my king," I bow.

"You're mocking me... aren't you?" he deadpans. I nod. "Yes sir," he sighs. "Yes, whatever," he waves me off. "You're dismissed, you may go back to your room," I nod. "Yessir," I give a two fingered salute and leave the room. After the doors close, I felt a harsh force shove me against the stone wall, much to my shoulder's displeasure, it was the guard from before.

"Are you with the revolution?" He asked in my ear. "You don't recognise me?" I ask sassily. He pulls back and stares at my eyes for a moment. "R-red?" He asked. I punch his shoulder playfully. "In the flesh," I respond. Hercules blinked, taking in my outfit. "Jesus Christ it is you! Oh my god, are these real!?" he whisper yelled, quite openly touching my chest.

"WOW! Rude," I snap, unsure how I should've felt about a married man touching my chest. "Shi- uh- s-sorry, Red, s-so... L-laf and John use 'they' 'them'?" I nod. "Jesus!" He paced, trying to figure out what to do. "Let's not speak here, follow me," I lead Hercules to my room.

"How- how're you alive!?" Hercules asked. "When I was captured, I was questioned about Washington. When I didn't answer, I think the queen decided to try and earn my trust and get me on the British side of the war something- something- now they think I'm some kind of god," Hercules blinked.

"How do you go from prying for information to thinking you're a god?" Herc asked. "Honey I wish I knew," I shrugged. "So, what's up with you?" I ask. "I'm a spy here, when you disappeared on Alex's wedding night Washington freaked, I guess he didn't think the British would capture a soldier, or that a soldier let themselves GET captured," Hercules chuckled. "We were honestly scared as shit after you were captured, Alexander thought it was his fault because he left you alone, and we honestly thought you were dead,"

"I was passed out for a week and a half so I think I was dead for a bit too," I reply. He snickered. "Blue doesn't seem to be too concerned though, hesitant in battle but he- uh-" Herc looked at me. "Also, they," I assure. "They're other wise fine," I nod. "Good, good, I'm pretty sure I'm under supervision of the other staff here so can you take a note for me?" Hercules hummed. "Sure,"

That night I turned over to the bedside table, unable to sleep and bored. In my bored state of mind, I rolled off the bed and lied on the floor in a deadbeat entertainment. A bright light suddenly shinned from underneath the bed.

Curious, I crawled under and found myself crawling into a familiar room. "Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me," I cursed allowed. Confused and hurried footsteps rushed down the ramp thing and (F/n) stared at me. "H-holy shit, Red? My god! Where were you!?" They asked, helping me to my feet and up the ramp with Violet jumping around my feet, apparently knowing I'd been gone for a while even though my phone said I'd been gone for roughly half an hour.

"The boys said you were gone for a week and a half!" They added murmuring about something I didn't catch. "Blue, I'm hungry, I'm tired and can't be bothered with shit right now, I'll explain after dinner," I say. They nod vigorously and disappear into the kitchen.

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