Chapter 07

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Lucero scrolls through his phone making his way towards the dining room to get some breakfast, he stops at the door as his eyes lands on the chaos that was ongoing making him narrow his eyes at his wife who he knows is the reason.

"What do you think you are doing?" Lucero questions Flora.

"No" Molly shouts as she goes to catch the boy who was running as fast as his hands and legs would allow him and Lucero watches as the boy makes his way towards him before stopping to stare at him and smile.

"Why are the kids here?" Lucero asks Molly knowing he won't get any answers from Flora.

"Lady Flora thought it will be a good idea to bring kids here" Molly replies as she catches Leon in her arms and the boy smiles making Lucero curse and jump away from him as he pees.

Leon laughs as he keeps peeing at Lucero who jumps away from the boy before glaring at him and cursing once again as he steps on a toy.

"Flora" Lucero shouts and Leon's face turns down before he starts to cry and as if domino effect Liam follows.

"Great" Lucero groans as he makes his way towards where Flora was only to stop as she was changing Liam's diaper.

"Why are they not back in their own room?" he demands and Flora sighs as she shows him the diaper.

"You shout one more time at me and I will throw this in your face" she warns.

"He peed on me and this room smells nothing but shit, how am I supposed to eat" he asks trying his best to not shout.

"Well you should have thought about it before impregnating their mother, you think it's easy for me to look after them while they cry, poop and cry then eat and again poop?

You think it's fun to me?" she demands as she gets up from the floor and Lucero steps away as he stares at the diaper in her hand.


"Okay, okay relax" he tries to calm her.

"I will not, not when you get to sleep so soundly at night while I have to hear them cry" she growls.

"That is why I have kept people to watch them, I asked you to be their mother in name not in literal sense"

"From now on, you too are going to look after them"

"What?" he asks in confusion.

"They are the products of your carelessness so you better take the responsibility, I will watch them at the day time because that is what a good wife and mother does while you go to work and earn more money than we can count...

Before you come back home and do your daddy duties" she finalizes.

"I am doing no such things" he protests.

"Then I will put a bed right outside of your door and every time they cry you will get the live version of it"

"There are people in this house to take care of them; you do not have to get involved in this personally"

"If that was the case then why did you bring them to my room that night? I did not want to get involved in their lives, but you pushed me on doing so...

So, do not tell me to not get involved personally when you are the one who dragged me and intertwined our lives in this mess, and I will drag you down along with me to clean this mess...

If you think I will stay quiet do as you asked me to then you will have another thing coming your way, so be a dear and clear all of your schedule after dinner because you are going to a good father to them when you like it or not" she warns as she takes a deep breath and goes to take care of Liam while Lucero just stands and stares before he turns to get out of the room.

Legacy (Lucero's Series -Book #1) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now