the start of something ruel

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ruel if you are reading this which i know you are not, i love you with my whole heart and i hope you enjoy. leave a comment to hehe, bahaha as if that would ever happen.


Today was the day. I got to board a plane and travel to Paris, the city of my dreams. I hugged my best friend Georgia as I walked through the airport.

Georgia- I'm going to miss you so much

Me- Same. Actually. No offence, but I'm going to be pretty busy.

Georgia pulled an offended face jokingly. I had planned out my entire trip, I had no spare time whatsoever. I was determined to make the most of my trip.

Me- See you in five weeks!

I waved goodbye, turning around and walking through the terminal.

I boarded my plane and headed to economy.

I shove my carry on into the overhead storage and shuffle along into my seat. There was already someone sitting at the end of the row in the window seat. I proceeded to take my earphones out of my bag and plug them in. I started my playlist and off we went. It was a long way, from Sydney, Australia to Paris, France. Without knowing it I started humming the song that I had been listening to.

The person seated next to me abruptly jolted his eyes open and looked straight at me.

Person- hey! That's my song

Me- what?

I turn to see a boy about my age, with blonde curtains that cover his face. I scan him, completely confused.

Him- that's. My. Song

Me- are you okay?

I start to wonder if he's special or something.

Him- my name is Ruel, and you're listening to my song

From the writer-

Heyyy, thanks for reading p 1, comment if you want me to post a part two xoxo

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