broken moruels

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i get up.

start walking towards the massive crowd and wait.

and wait.

and wait.

when i reach the front, a bouncer holds out his hand, gesturing me for a ticket.

oh shit.

i left my phone in the hotel

isabel- i left my ticket in my room but i know someone here

he shrugs

bouncer- leave  please

isabel - you don't understand, I have a ticket, i just dont have it with me

he pulls out a walky-talky

boucer- you leave or i call security

isabel- but...i-

two large men scoop me away. 

we make it halfway accross the road and then i hear someone screaming


i manage to slightly turn my head.

it's coco

a huge wave of relief comes over me.

we walk back inside together.

edging around the crowd, we make it to a VIP  area.

we can see the stage, and so can whoever's on it, but it's not an obvious place to look when there's hundreds of people right in front of you.

me and coco chat for a while.

the stage lights start to flash and i start to wonder why i came. i told myself it was a bad idea.

ruel comes on. and might i say, he looks pretty damn fine.

 and might i say, he looks pretty damn fine

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well, as usual. 

he sings three songs that i recognise from my playlist. even though i had no idea who he was, i loved his songs.

ruel - there's something bout you, that's got me dazed and confused

the song ends

isabel- holy shit that was insane

coco- i know right

he grabs a water bottle and pretty much drinks it in one gulp.

his expression changes and he begins to look really sad

ruel- this next song

he sighs

ruel- is really special to me

another sigh

ruel - because it's about someone really special to me

coco and i simultaneously gasp

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