roses and ruel

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it felt so good to be wrapped in his arms again.

he released me a little, and kissed my cheek. his lips were soft. 

ruel - i can't believe you came to surprise me! i was meant to do that

issy - you were taking too long, so i decided to do it myself.

his face kind of dropped.

ruel - issy i'm so so sorry about that. i know i promised i would come visit you every week, but i've just been so busy with school, and then recording new songs, and festivals and i was planning on visiting you these holidays, but then i had so much on around christmas and new years and then more festivals and now school has started up again and im such a terrible boyfriend i know i just-

issy - ruel. shut up. i knew it would be hard, this long distance thing. we both did. but look, we made it work, didn't we?

a smug smile reappeared on his face.

ruel - i guess so. thank you iz.

we were back to hugging again. his hugs were so nice and warm.

i really wanted to tell him the real reason i was here.

ruel - how long are you staying? 

i really, really wanted to tell him.

isabel - 3 days

that took my whole strength not to tell him

ruel - only three days?! i'm not letting you go home

issy - i know it's annoying. my parents won't less me miss more school after the amount i missed when i was touring with you.

ruel - ah. stuff them


kate came into the room, bearing a tray of choc chip cookies

kate - hello, isabel. sorry i didn't really get a chance to speak to you before. we have all missed you very much. 

ruel death stared his mother.

she sighed and put the tray of cookies down on the table.

kate - okay, well, enjoy.

issy - thankyou mrs vd!

ruel looked at me 

ruel - you don't need to call her mrs vd, iz. we've known you for long enough to be on a first name basis. 

i rolled my eyes at him.

ruel - so, are you staying with us?

issy - no, actually my parents are here too. and my siblings. we're up in a hotel in the city.

ruel - oh, well, they can come over for dinner tomorrow night. it's about time our families meet.

issy - okay, sounds good. what do you want to do tonight?

ruel - i'll surprise you. go back to your hotel and get ready, i'll pick you up at 6.

i was excited. it was our first date. well, real first date.

i ordered an uber and made my way back to the house.

then a thought hit me. shit. i wasn't in a hotel and that's where he was going to pick me up from.

i grabbed out my phone and searched for nearby hotels. the closest one was half an hour away, so i needed to leave by  5.20, which mean i only had 50 minutes to get ready.

and all of my stuff was in boxes.

i ran into the house, ignoring my parents questions and i had no idea where i was going.




she looked confused


i ran into my empty-except-boxes room and grabbed out an outfit. i was going pretty casual, knowing ruel.

i picked out and outift, jumped in the shower and then speed-dried my hair.

                                                                         issy ⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓

                                                                         issy ⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓

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i ordered another uber and told my mum what was happening while i waited for it.

mum - good luck sweet, hope he doesn't go try find our room.

oh no. i really hoped he wasn't early so i could just wait outside.

mum - be back before 11 please, you're still only 15. not legal yet.

issy- MUM

i jumped in the uber and hoped. and prayed. i really wanted to surprise him about me moving here some way better than this.

we pulled up and i went and positioned myself just outside the doors

voice- oh. you're here.

i jumped. and turned around. ruel was already there, standing on the other side of a bush.

issy -ohhh hi ruel.


ruel - why did you just get out of a car?

my head was hot. i didn't know what to say.

issy - uhhh i. i told you the wrong adress. yep. i got confused with the hotel name.

ruel - oh iz, you could've just texted me, i would've come get you.

issy - i didn't want to make you come all that way. it's fine.

ruel - anything for you 

i smiled at him.

issy - so where are we going?


hello hello hello. it's only been 4 days since i last updated but i figured i owe you guys since i haven't been all that active lately. i hope you enjoyed cause idk what this chapter is tbhhhh.

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