r(uel)aw emotions

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that was it. the tour was over. ruel had cake all over his face. and we had to go home. 

i felt like a part of me had died. i was physically in pain. but we still had the rest of tonight here and we were going to fly home tomorrow.

ruel came running off stage, red and white icing smeared over his face, holding his arms out

he pulled me in and we hugged tighter than we ever had.

ruel - thankyou

he whispered

isabel - it's okay. i loved it

ruel - i love you

isabel - i love you

ruel - i'm not ready to leave you iz

isabel - me neither

ruel - we both live in sydney, at least

isabel- actually, i don't.

ruel - what? but you came from sydney airport

isabel - yeah, i live on the central coast 

ruel - what! izzy that's too far

isabel - i know

ruel- i never want to leave you

isabel - i never want to leave you

ruel - i'll follow you to central coast if that's what it takes

isabel - ruel i wish it was that easy 

ruel - i'm going to visit you all the time. we'll...we'll make it work

isabel - let's not ruin your birthday thinking about this, rueloff. we'll sort it out later. i love you curtains

ruel - okay. i love you too goldie

he grabbed my hand and we walked outside to a van, ready for us to go to dinner.

a group of fans were waiting outside and all went crazy as we came outside.

i saw how happy it made ruel, and that made me happy too.

we got into the van and chelsea turned her head from the front.

chelsea- aight ruel, where do you wanna eat? your choice.


he practically screamed

chelsea- okay. guess we're going to nandos

i felt embarrased. i had to say something.

isabel- uh. um. i just...i don't eat chicken

pretty much everyone in the van turned around to look at me

ruel- you're vegetarian?! but the frogs legs?

isabel - no, i'm not vegetarian, i just don't eat chicken. but i'll be fine i'll just have some corn or salad or something.

everyone's eyebrows were still raised.

isabel- fine. when i was 9 i had two chickens  called Chicken Little and Albert Eggstein. i used to play with them all day, every  day. they were like my only friends. one day when i came home from school my dad told me they had gone to a better home. i was sad, but also happy for them. then that night we had white meat for dinner and i asked my mum what it was. she told me 'chicken' and i haven't been able to eat it since. it scarred me. i was eating my best friends.

chelsea - ohhh isabel that's awful i'm sorry


isabel - thanks chelsea, its okay though.


isabel - yeah, ruel, i do get it. they were my chickens, after all.

ruel - you're funny iz. so do we still go to nandos or nah

isabel - yeah, it doesn't matter anyway. it's your birthday and i have heaps of chicken-less options


coco - ruel have you been into that panadol again?

ruel gave coco that youre-trying-to-make-fun-of-me-but-it-isnt-working face and flipped her off while doing so

coco- woahh little man. you turned 16 not 43.

ralph - watch it ruel. you still haven't gotten presents so i can easily take them off you

he turned around in his seat, and waited for coco and ralph to turn around, then stuck his massive hands in the air and flipped them both off.

i leant against his shoulder and whispered

isabel - i love you, even though you're an asshole to your family

ruel - i love you, especially because you named your chicken albert eggstein

i felt warmth in my heart. he stroked my hair and it was honestly the best feeling i'd ever had.



it's been over a week and i feel so bad :(

but this was a nice fat chapter so i hope that made up for it a bit.

i'm starting to get some more ideas now but definitely comment an suggestions below, in fact i would love u forever if you helped me out a little

i absolutely love writing these chapters. it feels so real in my head.

hopefully i'll update again this weekend

see ya!!

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