spiruelling into depression

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despite the trauma of last night, i woke up feeling fine. better than fine, in fact. i rolled over in bed to be facing ruel. he was smiling cheekily at me. 

ruel - good morning

isabel - morning. how are you today?

ruel - isabel we both know the real question is how are YOU today?

isabel - i'm fine, ruel.

he threw me a judgemental face

isabel - ruel, i swear i'm okay 

ruel - mhm

there were some footsteps outside the door. his ears perked up.

ruel - shit! i gotta go

he ran and slid the wardrobe door open jumped inside. there was a bang as his head his the roof.

ruel - FUCK!

chelsea opens the door and peers in.

chelsea- what's wrong?

i quickly knock the medication for my head off the table.

isabel - what? oh. i just knocked my medicine over.

chelsea - oh okay. i'll help you clean it up.

isabel - NO! i mean. no, thankyou. i've got it.

she looked a bit taken aback.

chelsea - okay then. and issy?

isabel - yes?

chelsea - tell ruel i hope he slept well.

she was staring at the other side of the bed, it was clear that someone had slept in it.

i could tell she sensed the fear on my face. 

chelsea- don't worry. i won't tell.

she shut the door behind her and ruel practically fell out of the wardrobe. he had a clothes hanger somehow around his neck.

ruel - she knows?

isabel- she knows.

i had to pull with all my strength to get the hanger off him.

ruel - thanks. imagine if i had to perform while i was wearing that

isabel - i think you'd still look cute. should we go get some breakfast?

ruel - i know i would. and yes.

coco joined us on our way downstairs.

coco- ruel get ready

ruel - ready for what?

coco - do you even remember what happened last night?

isabel - i know i do

coco - oh yeah is, i meant to ask. are you okay?

isabel - i'm fine

this time they both gave me the judgemental look

ralph, nate, jack, beau, kate and chelsea were already at the table. and you could tell they meant business

we sat down 

nate - so, ruel. we just. um we have to. we need to-

chelsea- ruel in all honesty. what the fuck happened last night?

ruel - i already told you. they've been stalking me since sydney.

chelsea - ruel. you didn't tell anyone until last night. c'mon. i seriously didn't think you were that much of a dipshit.

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