ruel of the dutch

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when we landed, everyone went crazy mode. it was 2.00, and we were all supposed to meet with ruel's extended family at 5.00pm, for dinner.

well, i wasn't going crazy mode. i was shitting my pants. my fingernails were practically non existent, i'd bitten them out of nerves. yes, it was just dinner and yes, it wasn't like i was going one on one with each family member, but the thought of it just gave me such a sick feeling.

i took sooooooooooooooo long to get ready. i needed to make sure my outfit was perfect. my makeup was perfect. my hair was PERFECT. 

suddenly a thought occurred to me. shit. his extended family was dutch. i did not speak FUCKING DUTCH. i glance at the clock, 4.02. i had 28 minutes til we had to leave, 28 minutes to learn dutch.

in a panic, i google "how to learn dutch" and start rapidly repeating dutch words over and over again. and over. i think i learnt maybe 60 words in the space of 60 seconds. the door opens behind me.

NEUKENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!, i yell surprised by ruel's entrance.

ruel - oh, wow okay

his eyebrows raise

ruel - isabel, may i ask what the neuken you are doing?

my face becomes hot, and red. 

isabel - i'm learning dutch, for your family. they speak dutch right? wait have i been learning the wrong language this whole time? oh my god. i suck. i'm such a failure. ruel i don't think i can come tonight. sorry. i don't want to embarrass you and -

he slides his arm over my shoulder and slaps his hand over my mouth

ruel - isabel, shut the fuck up.

i open my mouth to speak, but only a muffled sound can escape his hand

ruel - shhh. calm down. firstly, most of them speak english, i cant even speak dutch. you were learning the right language, since i clearly understood what you screamed when i came in. you  dont suck, and youre not a failure, its okay, we will stick together tonight and never would you ever embarrass me, because isabel hunt you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, truly.

isabel - ruelllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

ruel- issssssssssssssssyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

isabel- rueloffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

ruel - isabellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

nate peers through the door way

nate- lovebirdssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

we jolt our heads towards him

nate - its time to go diddumssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

we both roll our eyes, and walk out to the uber, still in eachothers embrace.


sorry its so short, just a tad writers blocked.

im on easter holidays for two weeks now so i promise i will update more

hope u enjoyed xo

countdown : 27 days holy fuck

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