this feels unruel

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as i stand side-stage, mesmerised by him singing his heart out, all i want to do is be with him. i never want to leave. i never want to go home. i hear all of his songs which are screaming out how much shit he's been through. and i want to be able to comfort him. all day, every day. i see all of the people gathered and cramped in such a tiny space just to see him. and realising that makes this feel so unreal. i can't believe this is happening to me.

he finishes, and runs right to me. and we hug. it's probably the 6263782093993rd time today, but each time i appreciate it more and more. 

isabel - holy shit ruel you were amazing

ruel - trust me, before i saw you i was not having a good show

isabel - there's no way that's true. you're always amazing

ruel - isabel, you've seen one of my shows.

isabel - okayyyy, whatever, you were still amazing

a young, short woman with pink hair comes over to us

woman - ruel, great job mate and oooooh who is this?

ruel - thanks chels. this is issy. issy, chelsea. chelsea, issy.

issy. he had never called me that before. to be honest, no one really had. but it felt good.

chelsea - ohhh, you're the mystery girl painkiller is about

i blush.

isabel - nice to meet you

she smiles. she's nice.

chelsea - well, we are just about to go grab some late dinner, do you guys want to come?

ruel - sure, isabel?

i nod. i am sooooo hungry.

ruel - okay nevermind, issy doesn't want to come

he sees the high level of shock and digust on my face

ruel - im just kidding!

chelsea laughs.


we make it to a nice resteraunt surrounded by flowers and plants. i sit at the end of the table with coco and ruel, close to chelsea and ruel's manager, nate.

ruel - so, i've been thinking. i have nothing to do tomorrow, would you like to hang out?

suddenly i feel sick to my stomach. i don't want to tell him. (not literally sick btw)

isabel - yeah, what would you like to do?

act cool. he doesn't need to know. i'll just tell him later.

but then he'll be upset. he's making plans

ruel- well maybe we just walk around, ride some bikes, eat food

coco- yeah, i heard theres are really nice patisserie near the luvre.

ruel - okay we'll go there!

he looks excited. i can't deal with it anymore. i have to tell him.


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hey peeples

sorry i havent updated in like a week, i have major issues with procrastination.


thats sooo insane. literally when i first released it i did not think it would go this well.

i remember being so excited when it got 100 reads.

anyway, i hope you enjoyed. i loved writing this one. writing about ruel makes me feel so good inside.

i will try to update more frequently now since ive done all my assessment and i'm nearly on holidays.


see ya

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