5 second ruel

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ruel- hey, i had fun today

isabel - yeah, me too. even though you made me eat frogs legs

ruel -  at least you can go home with pride saying that you ate frogs legs. 

isabel- that's true. my family and friends would never believe it.

ruel - hey, how about you come back to my hotel and we can chill for a bit?

i open my mouth to answer but i'm rudely interrupted by a swarm of girls


another girl - OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD

one girl starts bawling and launches herself towards him

i take a step back

about 5 more girls come running over

i look away for a second and see all the other tourists who look completely unfazed.

isabel - does this happen all the time?

a woman behind me stops and replies in a thick french accent

woman - oh yes. quite often actually. but i think people are also so amazed by the eiffel tower that it doesn't bother them.

isabel - oh.

i look at my phone.


the lady turns to walk away

isabel - wait- when does the louvre museum close?

woman- 6pm tonight. perfect time to go. lines are smaller now.

isabel - merci

she smiles at me.

i take one last look at ruel. and start walking.

ruel - isabel! wait where are you going?

i dont hear him.

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