ruelcovery by music

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i was making sure to stay by ruel the whole day. he was very fragile at the moment and i could tell he really just needed someone to hug. his amsterdam show was tonight and everyone was coming. everyone. like even 2nd cousins 4 times removed. everyone. 

ruel - nate please

nate - what the fuck ruel. as if

ruel - please

i could see tears in his eyes

ruel - i cant go up there without her

isabel - what's going on?

nate - ruel thinks he needs you on stage with him

isabel- what?

isabel - i will be. back stage, singing along

ruel - no, i need you. onstage with me 

nate - firstly, what would everyone think about a random girl being up on stage with you? secondly, what is she supposed to do? she can't just stand there

ruel - i just need her with me. i want her with me

nate - no, that would be so unproffessional

i knew what was coming

i practically mouthed the words as they were coming out of his mouth


isabel - ruel, you don't need me up there. seriously. remember last time? you did so well

ruel - yes but i didn't know i needed you as much as i did now

i felt so bad.



all i had done since i met these people was cause trouble. make ruel upset. i think this was the 82966337th time i had made ruel upset. not even an exaggeration.

chelsea - i have an idea

we all jumped in shock

chelsea - issy can back up sing

my heart fell out of my chest, dropped to the ground and rolled off the stage

isabel - fuck. no.

they all look at me

isabel - i cant sing to save my life, seriously.

chelsea - come on isabel. it's a communal bathroom. i've heard you sing in the shower.

isabel - firstly, i doesn't matter. i still cant sing. and secondly, not in front of hundreds of people.

ruel looked like he had lost all hope again. a single tear.

isabel - fine. 

i grabbed onto ruel and gave him the biggest hug.

isabel - are you hungry? we should go get some food

he nodded. it was the purest thing, seeing him this vulnerable. i dont know why but i loved it.

ruel - thankyou, iz.

isabel - the things i do for you...

ruel -i love you, bel

isabel - i love you too rueloff


6 hours later, i was standing backstage pissing myself.

isabel - what the fuck am i doing

nate - okay, isabel, be ready for when they see you. these fans are nuts.

isabel - trust me, after last night. i will never be ready.

nate - don't worry, i made sure that those girls can't get in

ruel - yeah those fuckheads are going down

coco- ruel dad told you to stop with the swearing!

isabel- someone's feeling better isn't he?

ruel - only cause you're coming out

nate - ruel i can't promise you that they won't somehow get in

ruel - if they do i'm going to fucking murder them


ruel - actually ruel van dickhead will be coming out if they show up

nate - don't do anything irrational please. i can't afford it.

isabel - ruel

ruel - it's for you issy. no bitch gets to fuck my girl up and get away with it

isabel - ruel...

ruel - and i may or may not be high on panadol right now but i mean it

ralph - ahem

ruel - hi mr van dickhead, how be you today?

ralph - oh my god who the fuck gave him panadol

michelle - sorry i forgot it made him hyper and he was almost in tears complaining of a headache

isabel - hyper? panadol?

coco - ruel, for some reason goes absolutely crazy when he has panadol

nate - like crazy crazy. like someone who's been doing drugs for years

chelsea - we can't send him out there like this can we?

nate - no way. he'd say some stupid shit he couldn't take back and it would ruin everything

chelsea - Okay well the support act starts in an hour and then we have one more hour til he goes out. in the mean time, he needs to go for a rest. coco and iz, can you go find something that will put him to sleep?

coco - okay, come on

chelsea - but no more drugs! we can't have him on sleeping pills

 we went out to the bar and food area, where they had hot milk for coffee. i waited behind some girls so that i could get some warm milk for ruel. 

then i saw it

the three girls that had caused for me to be knocked unconcious last night were standing there. in front of the instant coffee stand that i was getting hot milk from to sober up ruel

shit was going down


Okay so hi i have i mini story of my own

the past few days have been insane

so on sunday i saw fucking ruel in Brisbane and it was so insane,, he performed flames as well as another new song and i got heaps of merch

then yesterday i saw billie eilish which was also crazy insane

but like the biggest of them all i stg


so i poured my soul into this chapter and i really hope you enjoyed

also legit i literally hit 5k on friday and now im at 6.2 so thankyouuuu

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