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isabel - fuck

coco looked at me like i was the weirdest person ever

coco - what

isabel - those girls, they-

coco - shit. nate said that they wouldn't let them in

isabel - what do we do?

coco- well firstly we need to get this warm milk to ruel. it's not going to go well if he's still high and he sees them 

isabel - i'll get the milk. can you go tell nate?

coco- yep. the only thing is we really don't have the power to kick them out

coco ran off the way we came while i waited for them to finish with their coffees

i heard them snickering and my blood started to boil

they turned around

girl one - oh. it's you

isabel - yeah. it's me. and what the fuck are you guys doing here still

girl two - isn't it obvious. we're trying to get ruel back

isabel - back?

girl three - ohh, you didn't know? shelby and ruel have history

isabel - oh, the history where you grabbed his dick?

girl one (now shelby) - no, the history where he kissed me. for real. multiple times. in his house. in my house.

isabel - you were together?

shelby - were we together? um yeah for two years

girl three - he actually hasn't told you

isabel -, he just said you were some random fans who had been stalking him

shelby - no, we literally only broke up so that he could go on tour and he promised me when he got back we would get together again

isabel - like i believe that. he was scared out of his mind last night. i'm sure the last thing he wants to do is get back with your ugly ass

shelby - whatever you say, shel. oh, thats what he calls me. i mean bel.


he lied to me. he had a girlfriend who he was planning to get back together with. i wanted to pour that hot milk all over his face.

i stormed into the room where he was lying on a couch.


ruel - what-


i slammed the cup of milk on the table and stormed out.

i wanted to be angry, but i couldn't. it hurt so much to do that. so much. all i wanted to do was cry. curl up in a ball and cry. i wanted to curl up with him. because i loved him. only him. and i thought he loved me. only me.

but he didn't.

if he didn't like that shelby girl anymore then why would he lie.

i heard footsteps behind me


i ignored her and kept walking, but she caught up to me.

 coco - iz, what happened in there

isabel - he has another girlfriend

those words hurt to say out loud

coco - what do you mean he has another girlfriend?

isabel - i mean he has another fucking girlfriend, okay?

the tears wouldn't be stopped now

isabel - one of those girls, she...she said that they broke up so that he could go on tour and that they'd get back together when he got back

coco - isabel, ruel would never do that. i know for a fact that those girls just said that because they stupidly think they have a chance with him. they knew you would run away believing them. i know ruel has never had a girlfriend before because you're the only one he likes. please believe me. plus, why would they be stalking him if they were going to get back together when they got back.

i felt so stupid.

coco - you can't possibly look him in the eyes and still believe he would do something like that. this is the same kid who is high on panadol right now.

isabel - coco i know how to get those girls kicked out

coco - issy, nate said we can't

isabel - yes but the venue can. we need to be quick, we need to do this before the doors open. we have 15 minutes.

coco - do what?

isabel - go get the panadol and meet me near the coffee machine


you guys are blessed

2 chapters in 2 days


hope you enjoyed this

it is deep as bruh

see yaaa

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