i wuv you ruel

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just before this chapter starts

i need to say thankyou

because i just looked at my previous chapter, and when i published it (3 days ago), i had 7.4k reads, and today i have 8.6! 

that is absolutely crazy to me that i am getting 1000+ reads in just a couple of days

okay, hope you enjoy this chapter

i seriously never want this book to end


we were in the midst of another kiss when nate barged into the room

nate - ruel and isabel? you are on in 5

for the 738929928th time today, my heart sunk to the floor

isabel - i forgot i still had to do that

ruel - you'll be fine, i swear

isabel - ruel i'm not a singer, i've told you that

he pulled his best puppy dog eyes. they got me every single time

isabel - just this once. please?

ruel - okay, just this once.

chelsea lead us through some vocal excercises and i sounded like a turkey. no joke

i could tell she didn't have much faith in me

isabel - ruel i'm literally going to make everyone go deaf

ruel - it's okay, chelsea does that usually

she raised her eyebrows

chelsea - i'm sorry ruel? who was it again who yodeled during ultralight beam when we were in kuala lumpur?

ruel - pffft. yodeled? 

he turned to me

ruel - i have no idea what she is talking about

isabel - i've seen a video hun, it went viral

chelsea - okay! showtime. follow me iz

i was about to pee myself

isabel - if i pee and you slip it's not my fault

as chelsea walked onto the stage, the crowd went absolutely wild and then they saw me

i could read their lips

who is that

who the fuck is that girl

oh my god ruel has a girlfriend

i bet she cant sing

i didn't know chelsea was a lesbian!

the drummer started playing the opening music and i was ready for ruel to come out


all of a sudden, a huge lanky ass boy with arms and legs flying everywhere literally slid onto the stage.


the crowd got louder

chelsea- okay, just follow me, basically just sing what he sings and repeat some things. you'll get the hang of it.

ruel - save your breath my brother, it's not going in

i saw the affect he had on the crowd first hand. it was really cool. i could see their faces light up everytime he looked slightly in their direction.

it was making me feel so special.  maybe i had that same affect on him. it gave me a warm feeling in my heart.


the stool got pulled up, ready for him to sing unsaid. he looked back at me and i could immediately see the sadness in his eyes. he walked over.

ruel - isabel

isabel - are you okay?

ruel - i need you 

isabel - ruel-

ruel - please

i knew what he had been through. i wasn't going to make it worse

grabbing my hand, he pulled me down onto the front of the stage. the audience looked completely confused. 

he pressed his lips against the microphone

ruel - uh, everyone, this is my...my girlfriend isabel 

the whole crowd gasped. and i mean GASPED

we were out. to amsterdam, that is.

ruel - and i need her, to sing this song. as you know, unsaid was originally written about a girl

oh, okay then  i thought

ruel - and then recently i rewrote it because a close friend of mine passed away. 

the audience became quiet. i hated this. i knew he needed me. i knew he was hurt. and that killed me.

i reached for his hand. he squeezed back.

ruel - well i don't know where to start

it's like theres nothing left to say

you put your hand on my heart

and then you pushed me away

and then you tell me everything is fine

but you don't have anywhere hide

look me in the eyes

cause i'm asking you

i came closer to him and leant against his shoulder. he wrapped his arms around me and i could tell he felt slightly better.

at the end of unsaid, he let go of my hand and instead grabbed my face and kissed me.

i knew right then and there. i was in love and there was nothing anyone could say to stop me this time.

or so i thought

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