ruel breaker

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i'm sitting in my hotel room. it's been a huge day. the louvre was so amazing, but when i came out i discovered pouring rain. so im sitting on my bed, drenched but happy. well, sort of. i'm still a bit annoyed about how my 'date' with ruel ended. i open my phone and find some really cool photos that ruel took of me and decide to post one.

 i open my phone and find some really cool photos that ruel took of me and decide to post one

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789 likes - liked by oneruel and 788 others

@isabel_jhunt - i ate frogs legs today hehe

(tagged: oneruel)

@georgiaxx - omg issy so pretty

@georgiaxx - but why'd you tag ruel? hahah im so confused

@cocovandijk - so she's the reason we couldn't find you @oneruel

                            @oneruel - @cocovandijk what are you talking about? definitely not ;)

@oneruel - im sorry 

@ruelingtheworld - omg what

@vivalavandijk - does ruel have a girlfriend???

           @oneruel- @vivalavandijk not yet ;)

           @isabel_jhunt - u wish

           @vivalavandijk - omg


it's 1am and i'm meant to be sleeping. well, no one can tell me i need to be sleeping, but still. i can't get to sleep. i can't believe a good looking guy commented on my post, let alone one with 300 000 followers. LET ALONE COMMENTED ABOUT NOT HAVING A GIRLFRIEND YET! i'm a bit exicited, but at the same time, it feels weird. like not right. maybe he's talking about one of the fans he saw today. maybe he connected with one of them. maybe im overthinking this. i am.

my thoughts stop. i hear a bang on the door.

okay, im exaggerating, it's just a knock.

but it's loud. and very scary.

at first i try to calm myself down by thinking it's just housekeeping or room service.

first off, it's 1 am, and second, i didn't order room service.

who the hell is knocking on my door?

another loud, frightening knock

i jump out of look for a cricket bat, but then i realise this is a hotel room. so i settle for the next best thing. a tall lamp. i take the top of the lamp off, for convenience. slowly, i gain up the courage to confront the person at my door.

i creak the door slowly open.

person - HI!


i sub-consciously swing the lamp around and hit the intruder in the head.

oh my god. i recognize the soft blonde hair and the cutest, clearest face.

isabel - ruel? oh my god. shit. what have i done?

he lays there, still and lifeless, and blood is oozing from a gash on his head

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------is ruel alive or dead? is it even ruel? comment and share with friends.

whoever has the right answer in the comments can get a shout out in the next chapter

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