plot twist bitches

740 19 35

(stella's pov)

stella - oh my god

her face lit up in realisation

isabel - coco? 

no. surely not. surely this wasn't happening. surely all of that stuff jude had told me hadn't happened to her. no. she'd already been hurt enough.

i felt tears prickling my eyes.

stella - izzy.

tears streamed her face already.

she ran down the stairs and i basically wrestled her into a hug.

stella - it's been what? 6 years?

izzy - coco

we squeezed eachother so tight i thought i might fall apart. but it made me happy and sad. i forgot about the girls. i needed to be here for izzy.

coco (plot twist bitches) - izzy are you... are you okay

izzy - no i'm not but i'm so glad youre here now. i didn't realise how much i missed you after ruel ended it

coco - he didnt end it izzy, he fucked up. i'm so sorry.

izzy - i don't care anymore. but i really missed you. 

coco - izzy i'm so sorry, about your husband. i- i didn't even know you were married.

she let go. 

izzy - let's go into the living room. we need to catch up on everything. the girls will be fine.


small chapter because i got u bitch

hahahahhaahahahahahh ruel was never dead that was a real plot twist wasnt it 

you thought- 

hahahahahahahah i gotcha ok bye back to the story ill b back in a few dayz

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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