you can ruel out him being dead, he's not

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okay. so i may have exaggerated. not lifeless, just knocked out. well, i thought he was.

ruel - mother trucker dude

isabel - i'm so sorry

ruel - that hurt like a buttcheek on a stick

isabel - are you okay

ruel - i will be once you laugh at my joke

i do the fakest laugh known to man

isabel - ha ha ha ha. wait, i thought you were a busy man

ruel - vines are important

isabel - dude

ruel - dude

isabel - i'm so sorry

ruel - that's gonna leave a bruise

he's looking in the mirror. there's a red line across his forehead where i struck him, but there's no blood oozing out of his head. sorry to disappoint anyone, i'm just really good at exaggerating.

isabel - i'm sorry. at least it will be gone before you leave paris. no questions when you get home i guess.

ruel - i'm not so sure

isabel - what?

ruel - do you think the concert lights will blend in?

isabel - oh no. ruel i'm so sorry

ruel - stop apologising. it was my fault. i dont even know what i was thinking coming here at 1am

isabel - yeah, what's up with that?

ruel - i felt so bad. the way you left today- yesterday. i should've just told the fans another time.

isabel - don't put me before your fans

ruel - isabel you don't understand. i want to.

isabel - you know, i think you should get going. get your sleep. you have a concert tomorrow right?

ruel - yes, but-

isabel- you need a rest. you just got knocked out. and it was my fault.

ruel - seriously. it doesn't matter. please just-

isabel - i'm really sorry

he shuffles towards the door

ruel - i'll talk tomorrow.

isabel - i can't. i'm sorry.

i shut the door

isabel - mother trucker dude

i say to myself

isabel - that hurt like a buttcheek on a stick


im soorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyy ahaha. two depressing chapters in a row.

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