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dinner was surprisingly chill. it wasn't really sit down, i mean you could sit down if you wanted to, but it was kinda just, grab what you want to eat and walk around and talk to people.

ruel- hey is, come meet my cousins

isabel - oh. okay

ruel - come on, theyre super nice i promise

and they were. we sat in the corner of the massive room on some couches and just chatted. like ruel had promised, most of them spoke excellent english and i could understand every word.

i turned to ruel, and realised a sudden look of fear had come over his face. i follow his eyes to to the large window. there were three girls standing next to a lamp post on the pathway. they were holding a massive piece of cardboard. with his face on it. 

ruel - issy, shit.

i grabbed his hand, sensing his fear

isabel- what's wrong? they're just a couple fans

ruel - usually that would be fine, but i've seen them before

isabel - ruel....

ruel- here, come and i'll explain

isabel - okayyy.

we get up and start walking towards the bathrooms

i turn and wave to the cousins. they wave and smile back. god they were nice.

ruel edges towards the male bathrooms

isabel - no no no. we're going in here.

i pull him into the disabled bathroom and lock the door.

ruel - oh. i should've known you had to go to the disabled toilet.

isabel - hey!

he smirks

isabel - so, what the heck is going on

ruel- okay, so you know when we went to the eiffel tower 

isabel - yes, and you ditched me for some fans

ruel - yes, well technically you ditched me. anyway, those three were the main girls in that brawl. they weren't letting me go nowhere

isabel - so, they followed us here?

ruel - yes, and they're...they're from sydney.

isabel - how do you know?

ruel - they were at my sydney show too, right at the front.

isabel - so they've been following you this whole time?

ruel - yes and...and

his face suddenly became a red, like the red of a fire engine

ruel - the one, holding the sign, she...she grabbed my...my-

isabel - shit ruel. did she actually?

ruel - yes, thats why i'm so fucking scared. if she's that horny i'm scared what they'll do to you.

isabel - have you told anyone else?

he sheepishly shakes his head

isabel - okay, well maybe we tell nate, not about the grabbing if you don't want to, just the stalking

ruel - okay

we come back out the the party and find nate, and bring him to the corner of the room, near the bar

nate - ruel, i told you, i can't give you alcohol mate

ruel - no, its not that. i'm being stalked.

nate - what?

ruel - those girls, outside. they came from sydney and practically mauled me in Paris. now they're here.

nate - why didn't you tell me?

ruel - cause i thought maybe i was seeing things. but now i know i'm not.

nate - okay, i'm going to go tell them to piss off, but do please tell me if you see them again. this is serious ruel.

nate pushes the door open and goes to approach them. i sprint to the door so that i can hear what's going on.

ruel goes to follow me, but i push him away

isabel - you. stay here.

i push my hear through the doorway ever so slightly and so i can hear the coversation word for word.


nate - this is not funny. this is a private event. you need to go.

girl 1 - oh, we didn't know

nate - stop with the bullshit. if i see you girls ever again i will file a restraining order against you. stalking is illegal and i know what you've been up to

girl 2 - oh wow. i'm so scared. 

suddenly, they all make a run for it, except they don't leave, they come charging at the door, and i collapse to the ground. 

even though my head feels like it just got run over by a truck, i can still see what's going on.

they're running. right towards ruel.


there's a nice long one to make up for it. i think i've gotten over my writers block now so be prepared for heaps of updates this week :)

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