being rejected ruels :(

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*me is now isabel*

isabel - oh. thats cool

i turn to put my earphones back in -

ruel - wait

i stop.

ruel - what's your name

isabel - why would i tell a complete stranger what my name is

ruel - well i'm not a complete stranger am i?

isabel - no offence, but i legit didn't even know you existed until 5 minutes ago

ruel- but- my song.

isabel - i don't really take interest in the artist, i kinda just appreciate the music

ruel - oh. okay

i kind of feel bad. he looks really defeated. he takes his airpods out of the charger, puts them in and completely blocks me out. i think i even hear a sniffle

i mutter - "weirdo"


14 hours later, we stopped over in dubai. i walk around to stretch my legs and go get some coffee. as i'm at the coffee shop, i hear the sound of girls screaming. the barista serving me rolls his eyes

barista- great. another celebrity

i spin around. it's that kid from the plane. he's hugging two girls who look about 15, but he's staring at me. i shake my head, and turn around again, grabbing my coffee.


this time i'm by myself in my row. the excitement is hitting me and i can't wait for my adventures in paris. i put a post on instagram.

210 likes  @isabel_jhunt - here we go x

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210 likes  @isabel_jhunt - here we go x


@georgiaxx - yesss you find yourself a man

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