would you ruelly do that for me?

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suprisingly, he doesn't look shocked. 

ruel - i know.

isabel - what? how?!

ruel - issy, you've literally put the dates everywhere, your forehead practically reads IN PARIS UNTIL THE 20TH

isabel - oh. but still i-

ruel - no, you don't have to go 

isabel - yeah, i do. as much as i enjoy this, i don't have enough money to be staying in paris for ages.

ruel - i do.

i roll my eyes

isabel - yes, you do. so?

ruel - so i want you to come on tour with me.

i practically choke on my meatball

isabel - what now?

ruel - i've already talked to chelsea and nate, they're fine with it.

i am completely shutterstruck. no way is this happening.

ruel - it's okay. i really want your company.

he moves his chair closer.

i move mine back.

isabel- woah. i need to think this through.

i abruptly get up from my chair, ruining our moment.

i walk to a very botanical area of the resteraunt. there's no one here. i am in peace.

i really really want to stay and go on tour with him. besides, it's not like i have anything to do. block exams are on at school for almost the entire term and i already took them in advance for this trip. and it's his birthday on his last show. and i really want to be with him. really.

i grab out my phone and call my mum. i explain the situation. i must admit, at first she thought i was crazy. i mean, meeting a hot famous singer that wants you to join him on tour, yeah thats kinda crazy. but she agreed. and i was going to tell ruel.

i hear foot steps. loud ones. someone spins me around  on my feet. ruel, of course. i don't say anything, neither does he. i gaze into his shit hazel eyes, and use my hand to move the droopy curtains out of his face. we're hugging. his hands are so warm. he does the same to me, with his gentle fingers, moving a strand of my hair out of my face. he leans forward.

we're kissing. 

but my body doesn't react weirdly. it's natural. it feels like forever. and that's how long i want it to last. i feel so calm. our lips locked, in the serenity of a parasian garden. is this heaven?

he gently pulls our lips apart.

ruel - issy i-

i smile 

ruel - i know its very soon but-

ruel - i think

ruel - i think i love you

and we're off again, embracing eachother so so naturally. i never never want it to end.


woah. two chapters in one day

welllll technically two days

no im DEFINITELY not up at 1am writing this chapter lol why tf would i do that

yes i have issues.


i love this 


see yall

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