shit gets ruel

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with coco in a cast and on crutches, we walk along the short pathway to pile into an uber, taking us to the airport. i have a feeling that ruel got in heaps of trouble last night, he is dead silent today. with all the commotion and fuss over coco, the van dijks let me stay in their hotel overnight, so before we head to the airport we need to stop over at my hotel. honestly, it's a mess. there's clothes absolutely everywhere and my phone is still face down and out of charge in the corner of my room, from where i threw it on the night of the concert. i walk over to it and pick it up.


my phone is completely shattered. like completely. one touch to the screen would probably kill me to loss of blood. thats how sharp they are. chelsea walks up behind me.

chelsea- a little angry aye?

i blush

isabel - possibly. but only angry at myself.

chelsea - well, luckily for you i just happened to buy a new phone while we were here.

she senses the confusion on my face.

chelsea - here.

she reaches into her handbag and pulls out an iphone 7 plus, in better condition than my phone was before it was cracked

isabel - what?

chelsea - have it. i was going to donate it or something anyway. besides, i like my iphone x wayyyy better.

isabel - are you sure? i barely know you.

chelsea - isabel, firstly i am definitely sure. secondly, i already know you are a great person. you've made ruel happier than i've ever seen him.

isabel - thanks. but have you seen ruel's mood today?

we both turn our heads and look out of the window. ruel is sitting in the uber, staring blankly out the window.

chelsea - oh. he hasn't told you?

i pull a confused face

isabel - no? what do you mean?

chelsea - look, ruel's grandfather is very sick. and i don't think it's going to end well, between you and me. and i think he knows that.

isabel - so this could be the last time he sees him?

chelsea nods

chelsea - he might not even see him, at this rate. just keep that in mind. keep him happy. we don't need another breakdown on stage.

she smirks at me

isabel - hey!

she helps me to gather my things, as well as reconstruct the lamp that i used to almost kill him. finally, we load my stuff into the uber and we are on our way.

i lean my head on ruel's arm, which he then moves and wraps around me. everyone else in this massive uber is chattering non stop, but we just sit there. i grab and rub his hand. i turn my head to look up at his face.

isabel - hey

ruel - hey

i sense the fake smile plastered on his face.

isabel - damn, i didn't get a chance to push you off the eiffel tower.

he giggles

ruel - i didn't get a chance to force snails down your throat

isabel - haha. you can't outwit me

ruel - watch out, in holland they have lots and lots of salted licorice

he remembered i don't like licorice. it's weird, but that gives me a good feeling inside

isabel - oi, that's crossing the line young man

ruel - technically you said you wanted to push me off a 300m tall tower.

isabel - i was joking

ruel - were you?

isabel - not anymore no.


we're waiting inside the airport, 2 hours until our flight. this is the bit i hate about flying. why do we need to be at the airport two whole hours before the flight is even boarding. i decide to update my instagram with my new phone, courtesy of chels.

 i decide to update my instagram with my new phone, courtesy of chels

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@isabel_jhunt - sooo turns out this kid is super clingy and needs me where ever he goes. see you soon amsterDAMN

(tagged: oneruel, chelseadonoghue, cocovandijk)

@georgiaxx - bro wtf are you serious

@georgiaxx - i know i told you to find a love but he is too HOT, too FAMOUS and i can't deal with u being away for that long

@oneruel- @georgiaxx i know im so hot

@isabel_jhunt- @georgiaxx trust me i'd much rather be at home with u but he's rich and he said he'd sue me if i didn't

@oneruel- @isabel_jhunt the lies


(yes ur getting a special mention)



this chapt is super duper long for me and only took me half an hour wtfff

im on like a roll rn so i might end up posting some more soon (aka tonight @ 1am)


thanks so so so much for 1.9k already, i literally hit 1k a week ago

this is insaneee

anyway leave ur comments below, love youuuuu

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