ruel's birthiversary p2

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this chapter is dedicated to three people, including me, who got our instagram accounts deleted by someone who didn't like us. rest in peace ruelbrissy, dijkvanruel and rueleilish.

please can you go follow my new account on instagram 

its @ruelbrisssy (with three s's)

love uuuuuuuuuu



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liked by oneruel, cocovandijk and 172,380 others

izzyhunt ok. so i've only known you for 11 days. but holy moly i feel like i have known you for my entire life. i've seen you cry (alot), almost die (twice), almost kill your sister (once), but i've also seen you smile and laugh and that's why i love u. i know you were probably expecting me to post an embarrassing picture of you but i'm gonna save that for when you're least expecting it. i hope we can have the best day together. i love you rueloff :)


oneruel i love you iz. so so much

oneruel and thank u for not exposing me & trust me when u do i have plenty of great payback photos 

 izzyhunt @oneruel watch your back bitch

ruelbrissy ahhh so cute

cocovandijk izzzzzzzzzzzzzz. u traitorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

izzyhunt @cocovandijk dont worry dude i have a plan

ruellvandijk omg i ship itttt #ruelzzy

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i sat on my bed reading the comments on my last post. they made me feel so happy. well until i almost had a heart attack. someone lept onto my bed and grabbed me around my neck. of course it was ruel.

ruel - i love you

isabel- i love you too curtains

ruel - curtains? i've never gotten that before

isabel - yep. you do one for me now

ruel - ummm. frizz. frizzy izzy.

isabel - my hair isn't even frizzy! it's wavy

ruel - isn't that the same thing? alright then. goldilocks

isabel - okay, i mean my hair isn't curly but i like that

ruel - goldie then

isabel - okay curtains

we dive into another kiss. but this one feels like it lasts forever. i can't believe i've only known him for 11 days. it's felt like 11 months. 

he pulls away quickly and smiles at me

ruel - okay i'm very sorry goldie, but we gotta go soundcheck and we are going out for lunch first? you coming

isabel - of course i am curtains. why would i miss your last show?

he grabs my hand and we run out to the taxi waiting for us.



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liked by izzyhunt and 982 others 

ruelxupdates ruel spotted having lunch with family and a girl who he has recently announced as his girlfriend (izzyhunt) and happy birthday ruel btw!! edit; she liked  omg!


ruelmendes awww they're so cute i love her

      luvsindy omg what she's a bitch

mary.argy girlfriend?

         oneruel ohhhhhh fuck hey mary

ruelxupdates omg ruel and mary commented

shelbycliff_ not for long bitch

luv.ruel he thinks that sandwhich is a snack, i think he's a snack


i saw the comments on the ruelxupdates post and had a weird feeling in my stomach. ruel looked up from his lunch.

ruel - iz, before you ask, mary is just a close friend. we do have a little bit of history but we're just best friends. 

isabel - yeah, thought so.

ruel - izzy i promise it's nothing. i can't wait to introduce you to everyone when we go back to sydney

i could tell he was excited. and i believed him anyway. he was being genuine. plus, it was his birthday. i wasn't going to bring any stupid drama in and ruin it.


so since i started writing this chapter 4 more accounts have been deleted. this is ridiculous and not okay. rest in peace dijkvanruel1, ruel_imagine, mysticruel and unsaidruel.

please help us x

i hope you enjoyed

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