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i was seeing him today.

my heart was beating out of my chest i was so excited.

i needed to remove him off my snap maps so he couldnt see where i was headed.

the second i did that my phone buzzed with a text

ruel: hey why did you hide me from ur snap maps!!

isabel: wow you're fast. creep

ruel: im not a creep i just happened to be on snap as you rudely blocked me from your location

isabel: how do i know you're not a creepy stalker?

ruel: ha. y issy yyyyyy

i had to think of a reason quickly

isabel: uhhh it's  an experiment. to see how many people notice when i put myself in ghost mode

ruel: ooh. my girl's a smart one too. ok have fun i gtg 

isabel: see ya!!

little did he know, i would actually see him...later

an experiment? what the fuck

i said my last goodbyes to my friends and we set off. 


an hour later we pulled up at our new house. everything had worked out perfectly so that we had our house straight away and the removalists had already dropped our stuff off.

coco was coming to pick me up in 5

isabel- hey mum, dad. sorry but i wont-

mum- it's okay iz, i know you haven't seen him in months. have a blast.

i gave her a kiss on the cheek and went out the front to wait for coco. as i waited on our brick wall, a girl about my age walked past. 

girl - hey! are you new here?

isabel - yeah i'm-

girl - you're issy hunt! ruel's girlfriend. i knew i recognised you!! i'm sunday, one of ruel's friends.

isabel - oh! hi, uhhh i didn't expect to be recognised. please don't tell him i'm here though, i'm surprising him this afternoon.

sunday - all good. will i see you at school?

i smiled and shrugged.

jesus. i was not expecting to meet one of ruel's friends this soon, nor was i expecting him to have a girl-friend

just in time, coco pulls up in front of the house.

coco - ISSY!!

isabel - COCO!!

she jumped out of the car and we hugged for ages.

coco- i've missed you!! europe seems like so long ago.

isabel - i know right. i've missed you all so much.

coco - okay, well before we see ruel, he's out at the moment, so i thought we could go grab a coffee and chill out

isabel - sure, but can we go some place that's a bit more on the down-low, i just don't want to be spotted before i see ruel.

coco - yep, i have the perfect place in mind.

we drove up to a small cottage cafe. i was so excited that i'd be able to do this every day. i didn't miss central coast at all.

we sat down and coco went to place our orders.

isabel- oh, wait coco! i only drink dECAF 

coco - it's okay issy i know, from paris.

isabel- oh yeah, right.

we  drank our coffee and exchanged some tea, and then it was off to see ruel.

i could not




i just wanted to give him the tightest hug and tell him how much i missed him.

isabel - so coco, how are we doing this? surprising him?

coco- well i thought we could just have you sitting in the living room, and then we call him down and make it seem like he's in trouble. then you can reunite and kiss and yada yada yada






we got to their house right on time. ruel had gone up to have a shower. i situated myself in a chair in the corner of the room, so he wouldn't see me straight away.

the shower stopped. finally. it was time.


wow they must do this a lot, i thought



i heard his feet down the stairs. around the corner and into the living room

ruel - what-

he glanced at me. his eyes widened.

ruel - ISSY!!

he ran over to me and swept me out of my chair. the hug was better than i ever could've imagined.

he whispered in my ear

ruel - i missed you so fucking much

i whispered back 

isabel - so did i ruel. so did i.


IM SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED I LITERALLY FORGOT. this is the most heartwarming chapter tho in my opinion. i fricken love it. 

allright  update later xxxxx

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